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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting -April 5, 2007 <br />4. COMMUNICATIONS (CONT.) <br />continued... <br />manner to successful assignment completions. <br />3. We are the local South Bend company with a <br />finger on the pulse of the South Bend and greater <br />Michiana marketplace and are truly partnered <br />with the unparalleled marketing resources of the <br />world's largest and leading commercial real estate <br />services firm, CB Richard Ellis. <br />4. CB Richard Ellis South Bend, as a company, <br />does not develop or own real estate, thereby <br />eliminating this potential conflict of interest with <br />our clients. However, we do work daily with <br />developers in both consultative and pre- <br />developmentroles, so we do know the ins and outs <br />of that segment of our business very well and what <br />is necessary to make a target land acquisition <br />work. <br />5. Our proposed fee structuNe is flexible to reflect <br />our willingness to tNUly paNtneN with our client and <br />work seamlessly with the staff to accomplish the <br />common goal. <br />Thank you again for the opportunity to present our <br />capabilities to the Redevelopment Commission and <br />staff relative to the disposition of the Industrial and <br />Office Land Portfolio. We have enjoyed our <br />relationship with the staff and Commission on <br />other assignments and look forward to being part <br />of the team for this requirement. <br />Sincerely, <br />CB Richard Ellis South Bend <br />Brad Toothaker, CP1l~ <br />Managing Director <br />5 <br />