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youth Bend ~ede~elopn~ent an~~~nissian <br />regular eeti~~g -April Z~, ~aa~ <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />a~~e-pug eve~v~ment Area <br />~Z~ co~t~~YUed... <br />terns fal' release af~54~~ afthe escra was <br />~po~~ can~~letian of p~~ase ~ . Whose mere the <br />arigi~~al tc~ of the a~ee~~~ent and that <br />remains t~nchangd~ The re~~ai~~~ng 3~~1~ of <br />the escrow is arnendcd a that the a~na~~~~t <br />~~~,7a~~ mill be spit equally between A.~. <br />~-ig~~t ~~~ the "ity of a~~th Bead. ~~~ total, <br />~.~~~ '~~gl~t i~~ ~ecei~e ~2,~1~ afthe <br />escrow and tl~c city ~~.~~ ~ecc~~re ~ 7.°I~~ What <br />~9ou~ghly parallels the Baal for oar tax ~~.~ <br />ca~~p~etiot~ of 8°1~. e'l~ be retaining <br />portio~~ of the c~ro~v .g~eeen.t based an the <br />full tax base nat being on tl~e praj ect. <br />Tl~e~l ~~~ Article ~ it talks abc~~~t the <br />~erti~cate of on~pletian. Tl~is will be <br />amended to eli~ni~~ate the need. far a Please Z <br />er ~ificatc of an~p~etian, ~~~d, aecard~n.~, <br />a~~y reversiat~ary rigl~ts tl~e Redevelapn~e~~t <br />C`o~~~~~~~ssia~~ ~~i~~~~ ha~~e. ~~ Article ~ 2, <br />concc~ni~~g dab targets, this was amended to <br />change the date far Phase 2 jabs from ~a47 <br />to 2~~ ~, to recagni2e the ecano~nically <br />cha~~.ged cartdxtzans and to lla~v aditianal <br />time far those jabs to be created. t the <br />sine tilne, because the penalty schedule <br />ended ~~~ a ~ ~, e extended that by three <br />years as well to ~n nr~til ~0 ~ ~, e also <br />a~~endcd to c~~ange the calendar year end <br />reporting far the job re~uire~ncnts to the <br />can~pany's fiscal year end ofNa~en~ber 30. <br />~~d, changes t~ the j ab penalty hicl~ mere a <br />ane-time ~,5~~ charge per jab deficiency, <br />tl~at vas cl~a.~~ged to a $4~~ a~~nua~ deficiency <br />charge far any jab not present each year. <br />r'he 4~a vas arrived at by taking the <br />9 <br />