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o>~t~ fiend ede~elo~~~e>r~~ C'o~~ln~ission <br />~egu~a~ ll!~eet~n ~,.,.1~prii ~~, ~oo~ <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.} <br />.~. ~'ax Abaten~ent~ <br />{i ~ eont~nned., b <br />c~to~~ne~ b~sc. Th~~ v~ouid app~ec~te the <br />on~mis~ion's s~~ppo~t. <br />~. ~~o~~e n~~d~ a notion to approve <br />eo~~~tion o. 3~~. ~VIr, ding econd.ed the <br />.I~aotion. ~'~1e nlot~on C~rI!_"ied on ~ tote of foIr <br />to one with ll~r. Pecz~o~~i oppoec~~ ~`he <br />'on~mission approved eoi~utio~~ ~o. ~~~~ <br />app~'o~in a~~ pp~~e~.t~o~~ fog read propc~~ty tai <br />c~ed.~~ct.~o~~ ~`or rop~rt~ l~ca~ed at ~ ~4~ ~o~h <br />C~on~~ne~ cc ~r~~~~e 1~ ~ the ~r~port ~co~~on~~: <br />~evelopme~~t Area., {Stang Food. ,c~-~iee} <br />iVls. Janes asked to co~~sider item 6.C.(2), (I), {4) a~ad {3) <br />~t this tine and i~~ ihat orcIet-. There was Asa ol~jectioi~ <br />and the items were moved tip oi~ tl~e agenda. <br />. Sa.pie-wing ~eveiopment area <br />{~ o~isi~~ ap~ro~i rer~uested fir ~`i~•st <br />Aend~nent t~ Contract fir Saxe of sand <br />for Private Deveiopment b~ and heteen <br />the i~~ of a~th fiend and the Sor~th <br />Bend :edevelo~nent Con~rr~i~si~n and <br />AJ Sonth Bead ~eait~ orb and the <br />TJ~ am~an~e, one. <br />Mr. Inks explained items 6.C.(1}, (2}, (3} and <br />(4) together. Mr. Inks ~~oted that the foal far <br />the t~ base is 86% complete. We expected <br />from both Phase 1 and Phase 2 to realize <br />increased assessed vaIr,~e of $24M. The <br />actual assessed value will be $20.7M {8C~°/v <br />of tl~e initial goal). It was expected to be <br />accomplished ire two phases, the first with <br />500,000 sft and thin within a couple of years <br />~~C3~MI~5ION AI'PI~O~I/I) RI5o1~~1T1oN ~~. 237 <br />~I1'1'f~C)V1I~G AN API~LICATIO~N I~DI~ I~~~ll.w <br />1~1~4)1'f~I~'I,~'1'~~ I~I:;DI_]L~TION I~~I~ I'I~~)I]~I~'l'Y <br />IvO~'A'I~ED ~~~I' 1 S~0 ()I~'I'l~l C~)IV~I~I_;R~'T -RI~1L ICI <br />TI-I~:1~II~PORT EC`OI~1(~i~Il~' ~E~V1~.1..~71'~vl~~Nrl' A-R~:A. <br />7 <br />