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auth ~e~~d ~.edevelap~ne~~t ornn~issian <br />eguiar Meeting -A~ri~ ~D} ~~D7 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS {CONT.) <br />Sample-Eva e~e~op~nen~ Area <br />~~~ con~r~YUed... <br />ob~igatians e~ressed i~~ the ~nended <br />~ntract for Sale of ~~d, authorizes tl~e <br />~~ede~e~ap~~~ent on~n~ission to eec~~te ail <br />doe~~~nents in t~~e form and s~~bstce as <br />presented at this meeting ~tb ~~~~ e~~anges <br />as may be suggested ~~ iega~ aounse~ and <br />~.pproved by the Preside~~t or dice President <br />and Secretary. f~ective~y, this a~los for <br />l~o~-~~~ateriai changes and correet~os o.f. ~.~~~ <br />crrars that might he fo~z~~d ~~~ tie doc~~~~~~ents <br />be~`ar the C~a~~~n~~i~~~ this n?o~.~ing. <br />fir. Icing Hated th.t the dee~~~~~t ail seem <br />to be intert~r~ed~ so that they must a~~ be <br />a~~-aved as ~. bundle. ll~r. Inks agreed. <br />Mr. I{ii~g moved tl~e separate app~•oval of <br />items G.C.(2), 6.C.(1), C.C{4} and 6.C.(3). <br />ll~r. Pecr~CO~s~Ci co~~~~tcred with a ~nati~l~ ~~~a~ <br />item ~~,~~} be re~`erred back to celnz~~ittee to <br />~nciude the amendments the o~~an~~ssion <br />discussed in ~ee~t~ve Session, potentia~iy <br />putting in a ~~eviev~ date to assess this. He <br />said he believed tl~at tine numbers are Hat ~p <br />to snuff. The penalties are needed to shove <br />that the ~an~ision is a tougher negotiator <br />than i indicated by dust b~an~et~y approving <br />tl~IS entire ~~~ of dt?e~tn~~nts~ <br />Mr. Ding raised a point of ardor. He noted <br />t~~at his motion needs a second and a vote <br />hefare anatl~er ~not~on ~s offered. <br />N~r~ Leone noted that NIr, Peez~osl~i may <br />offer an a~nend~~ne~~t after fir. I~in~s matian <br />I1 <br />