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06-13-11 Common Council Meeting Minutes
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Common Council Meeting Minutes
06-13-11 Common Council Meeting Minutes
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7/14/2011 12:56:43 PM
City Council - City Clerk
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REGULAR MEETING JUNE 13, 2011 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Rev. Barrett Berry, 1251 E. LaSalle, South Bend, Indiana, stated that he is enthused, <br />encouraged and embarrassed. Enthused because the city has money allotted to do <br />improvements in the community. Encouraged because the city is actually taking the time <br />to present for public discussion. Embarrassed because these numbers were presented <br />without detailed information as to how they will be spent. He stated that he is also <br />embarrassed because they are only limited to one portion of this great community. He <br />stated that they need a holistic approach to doing development in the community then <br />they should do so. He stated that he is encouraged that they had the opportunity to lay it <br />out and discuss it. $300,000 for beautification for an entry way into the City of South <br />Bend along Lincolnway West, what would that do to encourage the growth and <br />development of our community as a whole if that entry way was beautified and those <br />businesses were encouraged to continue to have investments there. What if you take that <br />allotment of money and do some revamping to put the neighborhood stabilization in to <br />place to level and demolish and recreate and develop communities as a whole. What is <br />the intellectual curiosity as to how we came about this process? What is the intellectual <br />capacity to present something that speaks to the volume of what we can do with 9.1 <br />million dollars? He stated that he questions that we have fallen short. He stated that he <br />would not have to have this conversation publicly but he has to because he had made <br />several attempts to reach out to those in charge in Community & Economic Development <br />to find the answers but as a citizen of this great city have failed to get those responses. <br /> <br />Stephanie Spivey, 1812 Dutch Court, South Bend, Indiana, stated that she is a Board <br />Member of the South Bend Community School Corporation. She stated that people take <br />notice how a city treats their children, elderly and women. She encouraged training the <br />youth to become productive citizens and give back to the community. She urged the <br />Council to consider the youth of South Bend when voting on this bill. <br /> <br />Randall Byrd, 425 Alonzo Watson Drive, South Bend, Indiana, stated that there is a need <br />for the Chapin Street Bridge. He stated that Chapin Street and Western Avenue is a busy <br />intersection and with the new Kroc Center being built there will be a greater need for the <br />children and elderly to be able to cross that busy intersection. He urged the Council to <br />keep the funding for the bridge. <br /> <br />John Stratigos, 60710 Crown Ridge Ct., South Bend, Indiana, owner Barnaby’s 720 E. <br />Jefferson Blvd., South Bend, Indiana, stated that he encourages housing along the East <br />Bank. It will provide a new urbanism and help South Bend grown and thrive. He also <br />welcomes St. Joseph High School to build on the former site of St. Joe Hospital. The <br />school along with students and faculty will bring life to that area. It will encourage future <br />development. He urged the Council’s favorable consideration. <br /> <br />Catherine Hostetler, 708 N. St. Joseph St., South Bend, Indiana, stated that she was <br />speaking as the President of the Botanical Society. She stated that they have a new <br />director at the Conservatory & Greenhouses. She advised that they have held many fund <br />raisers to help with the renovations at the greenhouse and conservatories. They have <br />been able to make needed repairs and continue to look for ways to keep those renovations <br />on going. She urged the Council’s favorable consideration for the Potawatomi <br />Conservatories & Greenhouse. <br /> <br />Cari Shein, 1429 Honan Drive, South Bend, Indiana, stated that the Council should <br />consider not spending all the funds at one time. She urged to fund over a period of time <br />and to partner with other entities to help defray costs. She urged the Council to save <br />some of the money and set it aside in the rainy day fund for that day when it might have <br />to be used. Ms. Shein stated that the city’s ability to collect tax revenues might decrease <br />if the economy does not come back as everyone hopes it will. They also might be some <br />other circumstances that arise like always seem to surprise us. She stated that there are <br />several items in this bill that are not essential items for services or for the needs of the <br />community. She stated that even those they are things that will please segments of the <br />community, she feels that the city just cannot afford them at this time. <br /> <br /> 5 <br /> <br />
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