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REGULAR MEETING JUNE 13, 2011 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />In rebuttal, Mr. Agostino stated that the allegation that both houses being advertised as <br />five bedrooms is denied. The houses are not that big where they could be used as five <br />bedrooms. He reiterated that this seems to be discriminatory against students and also <br />seems a little discriminatory toward Mr. Bumbaca because there are those houses on <br />South Bend Avenue and St. Peter Street and on Sunnyside. There is also a group home <br />located at 711 Turnock where there are more than 10 individuals unrelated persons in the <br />same area who were allow there. He stated that every individual should be allowed to <br />participate equally and not be discriminated against. He reiterated that this is a private <br />investment, using his own property within the rules for the best way that they see fit for <br />that property and to make a living especially in this tight economy. Mr. Agostino stated <br />that they should be allowed to make a private investment and private investment should <br />be encouraged by the Council. <br /> <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis asked if the petitioner has been in communication with <br />Councilmember Puzzello, the District Councilmember for the area and the neighbors and <br />various neighborhood organizations. <br /> <br />Mr. Agostino advised Mr. Bumbaca to speak with individual Councilmember’s so he <br />could explain what his plan was for the property. He stated that he wasn’t present when <br />those meetings might have taken place with those individual councilmember’s or the near <br />north east neighborhood. <br /> <br />Councilmember Puzzello wanted to clarify the mention of disliking students. She stated <br />that she doesn’t dislike students and knows quite a number of students actually who she <br />likes very much. It is a question of zoning. First of all, the use that the two homes have <br />at least until graduation as stated by Mr. Bumbaca that they were both empty and Mr. <br />Agostino stated that one was empty. She stated that she is not sure if they are currently <br />occupied or vacant. She stated that the use is illegal because only two unrelated people <br />are allowed in a single family home with single family zoning which this property is. <br />She stated that the two houses are very different and that they would not make a good <br />duplex. <br /> <br />Councilmember Henry Davis asked what the current taxes on these properties are. <br /> <br />Mr. Agostino stated that they didn’t have the exact amount. But they was that these <br />properties would be assessed is by using the Gross Rent Multiplier. You take the average <br />rent in that area and times it by the gross rent multiplier. Mr. Agostino used an example <br />of $500.00 a month times 12 months would make $6,000.00 a year then using the gross <br />rent multiplier depending on the year that you are talking about but for exemplary <br />purposes it would have been a 5. So around $30,000.00 would be the assessed value on <br />that property, that is not the exact figure, but it is the type of procedure that would have <br />been worked out on that property. He stated that the property record card would have the <br />exact assessed value. <br /> <br />Councilmember Henry Davis asked if by combining the two homes would the value go <br />up? <br /> <br />Mr. Agostino advised that they would go to the building department and declare the cost <br />of that new addition is going to be and get a permit to do so. A copy of that permit is <br />forwarded to the Assessor’s Office for them to data collect and pick up on the Property <br />Record Card for additional assessed value. . <br /> <br />Councilmember Henry Davis asked how then were the monstrosities allowed to be built? <br /> <br />Mr. Agostino stated that is the question that they were asking of the Council. He stated <br />that if they were permitted and the uses in this neighborhood are generally rental uses <br />then his client should be allowed to go forward with his project as long as they abide by <br />the rules and regulations. Mr. Agostino stated that they shouldn’t punish his client for <br />something that hasn’t been committed yet. <br /> <br /> 35 <br /> <br />