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REGULAR MEETING JUNE 13, 2011 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />stated that the State Law is very clear and that there are four criteria that the Council can <br />st <br />look at and the Council has more opportunity to regulate now than come July 1. The <br />very plan of operation that is on file and a part of the Resolution, if there is a violation the <br />Building Commissioner would have something to follow-up on. <br /> <br />Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand stated that Mr. Calderone could take the <br />offer to restrict sales back to Wal-Mart for their consideration. <br /> <br />Mr. Calderone stated that he does not have the authority to make that decision. He <br />advised that they would respond back in writing to the Council by the end of the week. <br /> <br />Councilmember Rouse stated that he believes they need to address the issue of the spike <br />in gun violence. <br /> <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis stated that they way to address issues like that is to contact <br />our State Legislators. <br /> <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis made a motion to adopt this Resolution. Councilmember <br />LaFountain seconded the motion which carried by a roll call vote of five (5) ayes <br />(Councilmember’s Rouse, White, LaFountain, Varner, Oliver Davis,) three (3) nays <br />(Councilmember’s Henry Davis, Puzzello, Dieter.) <br /> <br /> <br />BILL NO. 11-30 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL <br /> OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, <br /> APPROVING A PETITION OF THE AREA <br /> BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS FOR THE <br /> PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1019 TALBOT <br /> AVENUE AND 1023 TALBOT AVENUE, <br /> SOUTH BEND, IN 46617 <br /> <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis, Vice-Chairperson, Zoning & Annexation Commission, <br />reported that this committee held a Public Hearing on this bill this afternoon and voted to <br />send it to the full Council with an unfavorable recommendation. <br /> <br />Mark Lyons, Assistant Zoning Administrator, Building Department, 125 S. Lafayette <br />Blvd., South Bend, Indiana, presented the report from the Area Board of Zoning Appeals. <br /> <br />Mr. Lyons advised that the petitioner is seeking a special exception to allow for a two <br />family dwelling in a “SF2” District, on property located at 1019 & 1023 Talbot Street, to <br />be combined into a duplex. He stated that the Area Board of Zoning Appeals held a <br />public hearing on April 6, 2011 and sends this bill to the Common Council with a <br />unanimous unfavorable recommendation. <br /> <br />Mr. Frank Agostino, 120 W. LaSalle Avenue, Suite 704, South Bend, Indiana, made the <br />presentation on behalf of the petitioner Cosimo Bumbaca. <br /> <br />Mr. Agostino advised that the petitioner is seeking a special exception to allow a two <br />family dwelling in a SF2 District. Mr. Agostino advised that Mr. Bumbaca would like to <br />consolidate 1019 Talbot and 1023 Talbot into one residence. The purpose was to add 240 <br />square feet to the two homes and make it more desirable to the renters of the property. <br />He stated that Mr. Bumbaca has been involved in rental properties for several years and <br />has improved those properties over the years. Mr. Agostino noted that it was mentioned <br />earlier in the committee meeting this afternoon that this area was a shooting gallery and <br />an officer was killed in the line of duty in this area. Mr. Agostino stated that this is a <br />private investor investing his own money into this project to help beautify the city. Mr. <br />Agostino stated that there is opposition to this special exception because it was <br />mentioned that Mr. Bumbaca was going to rent to students and that he currently rents to <br />students. He stated that students are part of the community and those students should not <br />be discriminated against, just because of whom they are. Not all students throw parties, <br />not all students get into trouble; there shouldn’t be any discrimination against somebody <br /> 33 <br /> <br />