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REGULAR MEETING JUNE 13, 2011 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />with a format in terms of how they assess the funding process. What standard does the <br />Council have, what are the goals for the community and not just certain segments of the <br />community, but the community at large? She stated that the Council has a responsibility <br />to make sure that South Bend the total city is the best for all of the citizens. She <br />reiterated again that in terms of the Family Dollar Store, she heard from St. Joe High <br />School tonight that whether the funds are given or not they are going to build. She stated <br />that she appreciates their commitment to building downtown. She stated that the <br />administration needs to look at other means in terms of supporting St. Joseph High <br />School with out taxpayer dollars. She stated that they need to use those dollars quite <br />differently. She stated that is where she is at in terms of the planning process they need <br />to articulate the process to the community, to the constituents and need to have ample <br />opportunity for input and need to schedule special meetings so that individuals can come <br />and that they can be heard and the Council can respond to them as well. She challenged <br />the Council to give full consideration to the point that she has raised as well as the <br />administration. <br /> <br />Council President Dieter stated that he appreciates everybody’s comments regardless of <br />what side they are on. He stated that unfortunately he thinks that this can turn out to be <br />one of the biggest problems that South Bend has and that is the basic acceptance of <br />mediocrity whether it’s east side; west side they are starting to divide the city into east, <br />west and he stated that he can tell everyone right now that the City of South Bend Police <br />Department spends at least 70% if not more of it’s resources overtime, manpower etc. on <br />the west side of town. He stated that is the fact of the matter. Developing he stated that <br />he cannot really speak to that; however, they try to do as much as they can on <br />Lincolnway, and at LaSalle Square. He stated that with this specific issue people that <br />either just don’t like St. Joe High School or the Catholic Religion which is fine, but in the <br />end, he doesn’t think they should hold anything against a fine institution such as St. Joe <br />and what they are trying to do there and if they would have not raised that money which <br />is a phenomenal amount of money, he couldn’t imagine it is almost half of what the city <br />budget comes up. He stated that he doesn’t know of any other private company or <br />business that could raise that much money. He gives them credit and if the City of South <br />Bend can help them, if they could have helped someone else in the same predicament <br />which they did with the Kroc Center, so the precedent has been set, the City did help <br />them with a million dollars, and then the City should help St. Joe. The use of the field <br />which will be great and appreciates the offer that the St. Joe High School Community <br />will make for that is great. The facilities in the public schools are use by St. Joe and they <br />are not free, St. Joe has to pay to use those facilities. He stated that he believes it is a <br />fabulous idea that the public schools will be able to use the facilities at St. Joe. On Friday <br />nights when either St. Joe doesn’t play there or even on Saturday night when they do <br />there would be things going on at that side of town on weekends and during the week. <br />He stated that yes there could have been much more communication to the Council when <br />this started and there could have been a better way to purchase that property along time <br />ago and the City could have gotten it a lot cheaper, so that’s not the Council’s fault and <br />he is not sure of who’s fault that is and is not his to judge. But in the end, it will be a <br />great thing for South Bend totally and that they are going to make the commitment that <br />all the public would be able to use the facility so once this does come up for a vote he <br />will be in favor of it. <br /> <br />Councilmember Rouse stated that unfortunately the whole education environment has <br />changed when HEA 1003 was passed the separation of tax dollars becomes sort of hazy, <br />because you can get a voucher and spend it in the private sector and that includes <br />Catholic Schools. He stated that he is hazy on the accusation that money isn’t spent on <br />the West Side when the natatorium is on the West Side. The Kroc Center is located on <br />the West Side; Ignition Park is west of Michigan Street and located on the West Side. He <br />reiterated that he is a little hazy when Councilmember’s state that they are not investing <br />money on the West Side of South Bend. He stated that he doesn’t quite understand how <br />to partner with a 35 million dollar facility and take 1.2 million as a partnership and use <br />that facility for the South Bend Community School Corporation. He stated that he thinks <br />it would be remiss not to pass this bill with the MOA’s and the MOU’s that have been <br />suggested to this body. It is not so that the only investments are going up on the east side <br />of South Bend, there are investments going up all over this great city. He stated that he <br /> 23 <br /> <br />