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MRS. HENRY: The representative for Ms. Givens is here now. <br /> RACHEL L. GIVENS R L <br /> The petition of Rachel L. Givens seeking a Special Exception to allow a duplex in a "SF2"Distri ct and for <br /> -the following variances: from the required 60' frontage to 55.44'; from the required 60' lot width to 55.44; <br /> from the required 25' front yard setback to 13.4' and from the required 6' side yard setback to 4.4' for an <br /> existing house, on property located at 1117-1119 % W. Washington Street, Portage Township. Zoned "SF'2". <br /> MR. BRIAN GIVENS: 2426 Kenwood Ave., South Bend, Indiana. The duplex has been there and we were <br /> planning on tearing down the tri-plex that is in the back. It's a duplex in the front and a tri-plex in the back. <br /> MR. URBANSKI: Mark this duplex has been a duplex for several years...? <br /> MR. LYONS: It had been a duplex at one time. It has been vacant for 12 consecutive months therefore <br /> losing their grandfathering which is why they're back in front of you today petitioning to re-institute the <br /> duplex use as a legal non-conforming use. <br /> MR. URBANSKI: And it's basically going to be less units on the property by them tearing down the units <br /> behind it? <br /> MR. LYONS: The units in the back they're going to be tearing down. I believe they are going to convert <br /> that into the parking area for the duplex. <br /> MR. PHIPPS: Mark is the building.that they're going to keep in good enough shape that it can be feasibly <br /> rehabilitated and used as a duplex and be an asset to the neighborhood or...? <br /> MR. LYONS: The building is capable to be rehabbed. It's not in great shape but it is not, I would not say it <br /> is structurally deficient to where it's a safety hazard. <br /> MR. URBANSKI: Any other questions or comments from Board or staff? <br /> MS. NAYDER: Our comments are that we are in favor of it. It's an existing situation. I did talk with this <br /> gentleman before when we trying to possibly save the building in the back and going through the differences <br /> of Special Exception versus re-zoning versus subdivisions etc. This is kind of what we ended on these <br /> 16 <br />