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September 6, 20D6 Personnel and Finance Committee Meeting Minutes <br />Page 6 <br />Susan O'Connor, Director of Recreation, reviewed several new programs proposed far <br />next year including a weight winners camp which will be year-round. All user fees are <br />approved by the Park Board for such programs before they may go forward. Leeper <br />Tennis has been moved to Fund # 203, with user fees accounting for about 3Q% of all <br />park operations. Fund # 203 are fee-based and support about 50-60 recreation <br />programs. <br />Athree-minute video was then shown to the committee. <br />In response to a question from Counci[ Member Kirsits, it was noted that daylight <br />savings time is extending many programs and is generating more revenue. <br />Council Member Pfeifer thanked that Park Department for their assistance on the Civil <br />Rights Heritage Center at the farmer natatorium. <br />Ann Herndon, of 330 West Colfax, noted that she is Assistant Director of the Historic <br />Preservation Commission. They are being besieged with telephone calls about the City <br />Administration's proposed closings of the greenhouses and conservatories. She stated <br />that there is a "groundswell of support for them". She requested a "stay of execution" <br />for these great facilities in South Bend. <br />Jan Tehminkowski of '1117 South 31St confirmed that a petition is being circulated to <br />save the greenhouses and conservatories. She suggested that things like plant sales <br />and befiter marketing should be taking place. She noted that there has been very little <br />maintenance done on them by the city with broken pipes being evident. She said the <br />conservatory is not fifty years old. People have offered to volunteer and no one has <br />contacted them. The turnstile rarefy works and no one shows to take people around. <br />She stated that these facilities are "gems in our community" which are "uniquely <br />designed" which should be saved. <br />Catherine Hostetler of 708 South St. Joseph stated that eighteen (18) months ago she <br />met with the City and asked to be "kept in the loop" about the greenhouses. They were <br />"completely blind-sided" by the announcement of their closing. She urged this decision <br />to be re-accessed since more time is need to work on grants. <br />In response to a question from Council Member Pfeifer, Mr. St. Clair stated there is no <br />exact date for closing. <br />In response to a question from Council Member White, Mr. St. Clair stated that the Park <br />Board has not taken former action since they would have to make a declaration that the <br />buildings are "obsolete". <br />