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set forth herein. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained <br />herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, <br />the Park Board and the Commission agree as follows: <br />1. The Commission hereby empowers and appoints the Park Board to act as the <br />Commission's agent for the limited purpose of contracting for and managing the completion of new <br />Projects, the scope of said activities being more specifically described in an Addendum for each <br />Project to be attached to this Master Agency Agreement as each Project becomes known. Each <br />Addendum attached hereto shall be incorporated herein. The Park Board shall select the contractors <br />and sub - contractors, if any needed, and to enter into contracts for the Projects, all on behalf of the <br />Commission. The Park Board shall manage each Project to completion and shall accept each Project <br />on behalf of the Commission as provided herein. <br />2. This Master Agency Agreement shall immediately terminate upon breach by the <br />Commission or the Park Board of this Master Agency Agreement or any other agreement between <br />the Commission and the Park Board or upon notice at least seven (7) days in advance of the date of <br />termination of this Master Agency Agreement. The authority and appointment herein contained is <br />limited to the total cost for each of the Projects added by addendum hereto, as established by the <br />award of contracts by the Park Board to complete the Projects pursuant to this Master Agency <br />Agreement. <br />3. The Park Board hereby accepts the appointment as agent of the Commission as <br />described in Paragraph 1 of this Master Agency Agreement. <br />4. The Park Board shall award such contracts as are necessary to complete each of the <br />