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Instructions to Applicants <br />The South Bend Redevelopment Commission ( "Commission ") invites proposals for the <br />purchase and development of certain real property described as the former Millennium <br />Environmental, Inc. located at 604 S. Scott Street, within the Airport Economic <br />Development Area, South Bend, Indiana. <br />The Proposal Documents provide Applicants with essential information regarding the <br />Disposition process and the Project Site. Each Applicant should read this information <br />thoroughly before submitting a proposal to the Commission. The Proposal Forms are <br />required as part of any proposal submitted for the purchase of Commission -owned land. All <br />Forms must be complete. The Commission may reject any proposal submitted with <br />incomplete or missing information. <br />Evaluation Criteria <br />The Commission may use the following criteria to guide its review and acceptance or denial <br />of a proposal: <br />➢ The degree to which the Applicant's proposal meets the objectives of the <br />Development Plan for the Airport Economic Development Area prepared by the <br />Department of Redevelopment and approved by the Commission, the Area Plan <br />Commission, and the Common Council. <br />➢ The size and character of the improvements proposed to be made by the Applicant <br />on the real property; the Applicant's plans and ability to improve the real estate with <br />reasonable promptness; whether the real property, when improved, will be sold or <br />rented; the Applicant's proposed sale or rental prices; and any factors which will <br />assure the Commission that the sale or lease, if made, will further the execution of <br />the Airport Economic Development Plan and will best serve the interest of the <br />community, from the standpoint of both human and economic welfare. <br />➢ The financial responsibility, qualifications, experience and ability of the Applicant to <br />finance and complete the development. <br />➢ The proposal which will provide the Commission with the best possible <br />development, based upon the price offered for the property and consistent with the <br />preceding objectives. <br />➢ Any conflict among these criteria will be reconciled to the best interest of the <br />Development Area and the City of South Bend, as determined by the Commission. <br />2 <br />