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Plat of Survey and Legal Description <br />BOUNDARY LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />FORMER MILLENNIUM ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. <br />604 S. Scott Street <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />PARCEL I: Lot Numbered One (1) swept the South 20 feet thereof, and Lots Numbered Two (2), Three (3) <br />and Four (4) in Ford's Subdivision of the South part of Barre Out Lot Numbered ftty (60) In the First Plat of Out <br />Lots of the Town, now City of South Send, platted by the State Bank of Indiana, <br />PARCEL It: A part of Bank Out Lot Numbered Sbdy (60) In the City of South Sand as platted by the State Bank <br />of Indiana, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning on the West Me of Prairie Avenue es wdsted <br />on December 31, 19M and the North IN of Lot Numbered 3 as shmm on the recorded Plat of Ford's <br />Subdivision of a part of Bank out Lot Numbered W as recorded on August 20,1873 In Plat Sook 3, page 31, in <br />the Me of the Recorder of SL Joseph Comity, lndisela; thence Westerly along the North line of Lots <br />NumborW 3 and 4 in Ford's Subdivision a distenbe of 142 feet b the East tune of Scott Skeet thence North and <br />along the least line of Scott Shod 22Tleel thence Northeastetty at right angles to the twat #no of t; w# Street <br />288 feet, more or low, to the West be of Prakle Avenue as wasted on December 31,1980; thence boutherly <br />and along saki West line 254 feet, incme ar Ides to the place of beptrmhV- <br />.r �- <br />PARCEL Ill: That part of Bank out Lot Numbered.8txly (ea) ae platted and recorded by the State Bank of <br />indiarre, WcgWd in the Cl y of South Bend, whj* iiiij North of the North One of a pwrA of land- coweyed try The <br />Lake Shen S SwAhem Rftu)r �piwto die Sbmdw d 011 Company by dead dated Auk 14th, <br />1893, rowded In Book A peso 348 of the the Recorder of tat. Joseph County, and which lies South <br />of a fins begiruring at a point in the Easterly One of Street In the said City of South Bend 18.8 feat, more or <br />teas, Southerly tithe center of the trade of The Mw York Central Rakosd Company lyfna South of the four <br />main trades ofsaid railroad company, me astsod along the East Wo of said Scott Street, sold point being distant <br />3 feet Southerly, measured along geld street the at sidewalk levol,.from the Southerly edge of the <br />8outhessterly pylon of the Wkbo of The New York Central Railroad Company over Scott Street, said point also <br />being 1 W.22 het more or leas, NoM of they InterseaSon of the test One of Scott Street with the North line of <br />land conveyed to The Standard CM Carnpany by dead dated August 14th, 1893, as aforesaid, measured along <br />the East One of said Scrota Atreet; gIonae§aut wt rly along a eirelght One forming are angle of 7941' <br />mearured from South to East WM skid East Is of Scott Street, a distance of 311.7 yeast to a pobrtwhlch Is 14.6 <br />feet southerly of said track of-The New'ltork Central RAIlroad Company measured at right angles to said <br />straight ilne, sak! being also .1 tbet North* of ths'Nord weetedy comer of the top of retalning wall <br />"Ielft W�frorn the $atwmg* pylon clone bridge of The New York Centroi Rafiroe d Company aww <br />prabie Street, said One passes ltaroush o point marked by s drN hole placed in Ere face of the nshi dng wall <br />situated an to East side of mid Soot! Street at point 3 feat above sbwMk level; thane Southerly along a <br />sit fight tine forming an angle of 84W to last descabed might line, measured from West to South, a distance <br />of 4.6 feet to a point distant 275 feet by reotrpuler meiorruareterrt Southeastertyirom the face of the roWtft <br />wag altrressid, thence sestertyatonp s strafghtlins per" tomid robdningweA a dislance of 31.8 feet, more <br />or less, to a paint In the Westerly One of Prairie Avenue and forming an argue of 88°30' with the said Weete dy <br />line of Pm kb Avenue measured ft m. West to $cuts said Point In the Westertyr One of Pn*I& Avwm being <br />18,9 feet, more or less. Somrthmsierlyot the tx,*s kw of said track of The NewYork Central Railroad <br />Company measured along the Bald Westerly Ike of Plaid* Avow*, said point afso being 112.8 feed more or <br />less, Northeasterly of the intersection of said Westerly line of Prairie Avenue with the Northerly litre of sold <br />parcel of land conveyed to the Standard ON Company by dead dated August 14th, 1893, as aforesaid. <br />