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u~i~tie~ C~m-m~te~ <br />2t}t)f> 5c>ut1~ l.ic;iid ('on2~~~oat C:ouncil_ <br />-fhe April 7_4, 2(~()~s cif the ~~tilities ~nl?~.~i~ittee vvas eai~~d to €~rder ~y its ~;~airpersQn, C~€lncil <br />lt!1e~~11~er At "eddy°' t~i~-sits at ~:~t} p.n~. ire the C€a€sncil lr~forn:lal Meeting loo€~~. <br />Persons in attendance included council. Mea-nl~ers ~ieter_ Pfeif€;r, Pllz~etlo, Varrber, white, belly, <br />~irsits and l~orlse; lJtilities ~`oanlnittee Citizen -Nfi~rrrher Gene t~enc~i, Residont;al I~+*igh~~onc~~s~(~s <br />Colnt~.~ittee Ms;~nber Martha Lewis, Pulslic ~i~~rl~s aald l3reslsert}~ Vacation. ~.'on.ln~ittee Me€nber <br />Kart ~'ourlgs, Director of l'ubhc ~V~lrizs mealy Gilot; Rita ~c~paia, .latrsie l,c>€~ of flee ,~'(a2lfrT Nea,~~3 <br />'~a~;~~a~nc~ and Kathleen Cekar~slti-~arrand, ~:oul~cit attorney. <br />Council Men~li~er l~irsits l~c~ted that ~':on~.n~ittee i`~enlbers incl€lde ~`€suncii lVlea~ll~ers I3uzzello, <br />K,€spa, Pfeifer as~d hil~.self~ an.c~ ~'itizei~ lVlerl~~aer ~~ene Pencil. <br />Colsr~cil. Mea~~ber t~irsits stat(:d hay co-sponsored along with I~r. Farrier bill No. l ~-(~~ ~vhicl~ <br />wraul.d arne:nd Chapter i'~, i~rtiel.e 2, r.]ivision S, Section. ~~_`?~ 0l9 the ,~«4.rt;=a ~c~atcf ft,~trr2tei~ac~l <br />C "ou'c~ addressing tl~e auth€~~°i~at.i€~n t€~ er~t~r intro special rats; c€~nt~-aeis fo3- se~~~r se~-vic~. <br />l~r. '~arl~er Heated that in Nc~verrlkaer of`'?UC~S, the Cit}' Adl~~inistration presLnt€:cl alp cal-dinance for <br />a sewer rate increase. t--Ie notetz ti:tat as a part of that preset~tatiol~ the Col.ancil was advise€i that <br />the hoard of Public ~€arks is allowed t€s grant certain entities reduced rates to its users. Ike <br />noted that such action wsauld k~e takela lsy tl~e Foard of Public VJorlcs wl~ieh has li~~ited pt~hlic <br />scrutiny and would ~~e in a Iil~ited public eye or forum. l'le stated that a spc;cial es~ceptis?n for <br />ol~e groins w€~uld result il~ €~thers having to su&~sicfize:. l-le noted that €here are two (`? } entities <br />which cctrrently have: special rates and. ~P~lat he: lselieves that the; fci4[~«~ing would improve the <br />current prescess: <br />l . ~?~ explanation. €sF~vhy a spec; rate is justif€ed <br />~. l~cco~€ntahility and .l ustificaticsn fesr the special rate <br />~. ~tesolution of the ~€~uncil so that the pr€~cess v~roulcl see the light €af day. <br />[n light of ~`oulrcil Mea~t7er Kirsits recll~est for copies of t:#rv c~~rrent special rate: contracts, capes <br />of ~~hieh were received taclay, a brief review sl:lcsws that there a€-e roil csver presvis~ons in cacl~ of <br />thel~l ~v:~ic:h would ef~ectivel}T c:ontimle to keep the ~`o~~a~lcsn C~caua~cil oslt of the process. <br />fir. Varner then pr€avided a handout ~c€~py attached} ~~,rith nety proposed language being set forth <br />in fsol.d print to address the new i~gtor~~ation ors the roll over przavisi€sns. Ike noted that the <br />language is rcaugh and: in draft flsra~- and vvorlld probably have t€s he Further ara~endecl. <br />l~)r. Va.rner stated that yearly revie~~~s of current. corstraets ~~ay fee in €~rdt;r and ttsat special rats: <br />ccsntracts should not lie treated any differe~~tly than other rates, ivitlr th.c C~ou3~cil lravir:g tike final <br />authority tea approve car disapprove. <br />Coatncil Mer-nher ftirsits stated. that he believes that the concept addressed in the proposed <br />€srdinance i.s a go€~ci idea and that the council should l`ae involved ire the process when special rate <br />c€antraets are bein<y proposed. 1~e n.oted that originatJ.v, ksig ticket usors s~~ere not going to get the <br />r`~prll ~~(: 2C11J61Jtilitirs Cnm~2rittec oCPi~~ 20(36 tiouth i3ciicl Can~~iin f:otttteil <br />