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ila~t1~19 ~~ n~~~l~~ iillll~ <br />?Q~3(i SoL~thl3ci~d Conuno~~C:o~iu3ci <br />T lie April ?~, 2DD6 rr~eeting of the ~onir~~ and !~.a~lnexati€~n C t~ntlxliltee eras called t€~ arder t~~i its <br />Mice-Chairperson, Cel.lncil Me€pber Al `~l~l.,dd~f" ~irsits at 3:3D p.€n. in the Council lrtforl~ral <br />Meeting Roc~~~~. <br />persons in attendal~ce il~clr~ded ~€~ncil I~~en~l~ers l'uzzellc~, i~l~ite; ~arl~er, t'leifer; belly, deter, <br />~:irsits and douse; ~€tizen Me~~~l~er .~. rdwarc# "1"alley, C it}r Col troller Its. Cat:~~erine Fanello, Mrs. <br />~opoia, IVlartha i.e~~ris, .Marco Mariam, i~urt Yc~un~s, Michael Janch, Robert l~el~neth, ~tatr~ie <br />L,csE~ of the .~~~~~t1i Ise€a I i•iht~rac~ and l~ath#een C'el{c°i.nski-l~arrand; Cot~l~cil I-~ttc~rn~v.. <br />~:€~uncil M€:lnber l~irsits nclted That he moped that Co~~~~cil Mei~lber l~rbspa would ~e joining the <br />Co€n~cil in the very near f€at€]rc.. He then stated ti~at tl~e C'o~~»ittee consists of`Council Men~hers <br />l~~spa, Dieter, white and. hila~self; auith ~. ~`dward.'faltey searing as the. ~`itiz.en Me~?~ber on the <br />co~~~nittee. <br />~~l# l~lo. ~6-;~#)~a'VVd°itte~t li{'iseal il~#a~ 'aa-,~ts~er lac;, Ann~xatm®~ ~€•e~a <br />Cc~uneil Mel~nber Kirsits called #or a pres€:nt.atiorl on Bill N€~. 0~-~~~ wl~icl~ is a. proposed <br />resolution to adopt a written fiscal plan and estahlish a policy for services to tl?e Bolan Ro_y <br />Ar~aae~,ation Area. located its Clay ~c~w-nship. ~' M~?r7~Lr leirs?ts noted that he woti~ld then <br />call for tlae Area Playa l~epcart and a l.sresentation orl tlae col~apanion bill, nan~lely Bill. l~lo. D7-0(i <br />Marco Nlaria7ai csf the %~epart~aaent cif C"c~~~l~~€]nity aa~d l~,cono~~ic ~~trelc~p~~l~l:ot a~~ad~ tl~e <br />presentatitan. ~-le noted that the proposed anl~exation area col~si.sts raf ."r~ acres cif vacant. <br />utain~pr©ved land which is located in Clay Township. Ike tl-leca reviewed thL writte~a Iliscal Plata <br />which is marked. 1'~hil~it A arad is ~rttached to Bill. No. D~-3[l. lie noted that the proposed. area <br />wo€~ld be ira Police Beat. ~ l l ; would rec~; fire ser~~ices trolaa 1~ire Station ~ 2, and F1V1S <br />services frolaa lire Station # ?. Ile they highlighted i~aforlaaation erl page ~ of tl~e ~:xhibit A, <br />which states that "variation in the planes o#~ e.~:teri€~r walls (~a7assingrproportion~ and or other <br />facade elements that nai~llt adc# ilaterest to the western facade of these four units is strongly <br />rec©~a~tnendcd'°. <br />Cola~lr~ents fi'oin Council. Member t'feifer, h.i.te:, anti la1_azzello suggested that ila light of City <br />Plan that tlae "strongly reco~a~ca3ended" la:aguage bc; considered as a req€~ir~inerat instead. <br />The Council Attorney suggested that if the petitioner agreed anritla this request, that Mr. l~aa°iani. <br />should theca amend ~3i11 Flo. D6-3t~ on the 3rd page in Suction 1l I and add the words "as al:nended°. <br />in the 2d Line ilnnaediately after the reference to "#~;xhibit A". She also recotaarnendecl that on <br />page. ~ of I~;xhibit :~, irl tine last paragj-apl~ in ~ectien 1~ on that page, last lino that. the words <br />~`stron~ly recomcaa.el~ded" he deleted and that "required" be inserted instead. Slae f€€rther <br />reco~~arrlended that in tlae future, the petiti€aner or the petitioner's representative should recei~~e a <br />copy of the proposed resolution anal exhil~i.t ad.d.ressing the proposed fiscal so that he or she <br />l'ia.s notice of all. items in those docu~a~ents; and so that they tnay ha~~e fhe opportur~it~7 to discuss <br />them. with the CBD staff prier to the C-ouncil's colx~~aaittee l~teeting. <br />April Zd , 2Cit7b ~.iii~in~ ss~lti A1t~3e~t~~io~~ 'a~tsi~~i#4i:e or ila 2{itiEk tit~ttih I .end Com~n~~s3 t'411nC,;i _~'+Wi; 1 t~'r <br />