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Kevin ~'arrng of Sotrt:h Be~a.d Sc;ra.p ~, Processing .~iuisit~Ba c}t' ~t~~rgis ~ror~ ~/?et2~~ Cc~~~pag~!y, <br />inc., located ~~ ~3~5 Prairie Avenue ira SoiEth p3end, suggested that the ~-ra~.rncil ~raonitt~r~ tlae. <br />trr~liraag?ce if i.t iS passed and revi.e~v it again ninety (~7) days. lie sre.g~;est~d first at that tixrre <br />the Ctrrrnci3 ~votild tac:ts and ntrt just eaa~E~tions to review.. <br />fir. Varner rrotc:d that there could he a lack of rept~rting during tlae 9~-day pcric~,tl which vvo~rid <br />affect srrctr a revie~~~. <br />Cacy Levin s~f youth B~;.nd. fit`-rap ~c l~rocessiraw ~ivist~n cat' Sturgis Iran ~ TVi:etat Ctr~aapa~~y, lnc.; <br />located at l3(3S Prairie Avenue itr St~r~tl~ Bend and r°esidin€~ its Cira~a~;er s#atecl that the er~rretat. <br />version c>f the bill is far less punitive Haan the cane carigirially prt~posed, however ire v~Jas stile <br />aga~rrst ~t. <br />~: u.rt Youngs stated that hofla the theft alert system and the proposed ordinance could ~vtark, hrrt <br />rvhr,ra there is a call only the ordir€ance ~uorrld resr.~lt ira enfarcerrrerat penalties. <br />~.aunt~il 1~11ernt?er Pfeifer strgested that she appreciates the response t~f the hrrsir€essLS in li~lat of <br />the ehallerabe provided to them at the; last Co~tat~iitteu lneetin~;. Slae sraggcsted that dialogue <br />ct~ntinue ~~•ith the Ca-~nty, Elkhart and Mies str that similar regulations i.7e i~a place. She noted <br />that at prior ~aaeetings the Co~a~nlittee had heard fro~-n tlae Palic;e as to wlay they believe tlae ne.~n~ <br />regutati.ons arc needed, and that a listing of thefts has been. filed. avh.ich ~hoevs an increase of <br />thefts in this area. <br />C€arrrrcil IVle~aiber Kelp stated that tare Cc~urrcil has studied this issue slat aver the past see~eral <br />~~onths and believes it slrarrld ~i~ov~; forward. <br />C.ou.a.rcil Nte~~r7kaer Whig thanked the Council for working aWith the b~.rsinesses tan this ordinance. <br />~'auncil Mer~her Itiirsis thar-ked the three. (3 } h€asiness operatioaas wht~ shoved tlaeia~r tht~ir <br />o~aerations last Friday with. Ctruncil iVlernher l~ic;ter, hi~aaself and the CoLrr~eil attorney. lie stated <br />that they all learned slat and u1as t~verail irrspressed with what l7e saw. lie noted drat ~~~~era the <br />C.outrcil did their nei~hl?orhaod plunge that they saw spick-up trtrelt filled with metals which <br />looked slrspiciorrs. <br />l~ollo~vit~g discussion, Dr. ~Tarner naad:e a tt~atiora, seconded by Council 1!~enaher Puzzallo that <br />Stahstitute Bill ~Jo. 12-0" witia tl-re crew l3age 9 tie recoirrnaended favorably to Council. The <br />€alotian passed. <br />Caunci.l. Member White thanked everyone ftrr their input acrd work. <br />llrila~~~li~raec~€~s B~~ir~es~d <br />Council Met~?ber ~Nhite noted that she would like t® su-aan~arize the tolaics ~vh.ich are pending <br />before tl3e C'otrncil which have public health. and safety conrpo~~rerats, and rvotrld like to l~t~gira <br />srhedr~.li_ng rxr~eti.n~s €rr the near fi~.ture to continue tan ~acla. ol~ ti~ez~1. rl~lre tapirs <br />iaaclude: <br />Ak~ril .:~, f1i16 t~e~,talih aiF~d }~uhlin S~il•etti' ~'nn711tlttce of tlf~ 2000 stnitl~ B~nCI ~~O11~I7I1OF1 C=i~ut~nt3 -'Y`e~re > ~>f 5 <br />