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C€s~~t~ci) Memi"Sers white, deter and 'fei~:er corr~pii~}crgted thc;~ g~ ity C€~ntroiter €sn the ist €ir:!arter <br />i~irt.anciai €~e~~c~rt-t.. <br />iescell~~aeotas ~us~~e~s: <br />C`~~anci.l: I~et~~er ~i.etc:r n€sted that fire ~'~t~ncit has sti~i. not received. a copy or the l~}st €i~arter <br />report on the Colie~~e }~ooti,~ali a~fl c~i~Fa~~}e. <br />€~r€n.cii Me$~her ~icter also r~ote€~ that the C€~€}ncil has a~ot received a.n ~.ipdate on the contract <br />r~e~otiations between the ~'ity and thy; Coile~e Foot~~ali i~a~i oi~ Fa}tee since he caked the last <br />~'A~C ~=o~~€x€~ittee t~c:eti~~~. <br />C.t~~~ncil Me~xtber I3ieter stated. that it ,vas ax~azin~; that tine City Controtier c€?uld. prepare an€~. ale <br />a detailed ~°inanciai Report i`or all city f€~nds and ~~le it ~`or t~}e Cot.~t~cil io review; t3}~# that a <br />sin~ie ©peration 1i~e the C€~1~e~e Footha~l Mall of Fame cc7~id not. ~e stated that he ,saes this <br />Iac~ o~'re~}alar ~ilin~ as being ridic~.~io},is. <br />there no t~}rther i~~E.sir~ess to cc~t-ne ei'ore the C;o~~~~~}ittee, Cor}ncii iviot~~k~er PFoii'er <br />adjo~}rned the }neeting ai ~:1~ p-~~~. <br />~espectfi~}Iy sr~.h~nitted, <br />-~~: ~..- <br />Cot~ncil Nte~nber Charlotte L~. P~'eife , C1~airpersoz~ <br />Personnel and Finance Crsn~~nittee <br />I;C,F:kn~ <br />~ttael~tnents <br />f~~rii 24, 2f.1t)6 hc-rsonnel ainti. Fi~t.~nac Cez~turiitt'ee- Nlecut~~ Mi~7ute-s -Pa~c 3 ai- ~- <br />