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Since there was not a tls.l=~ru~n present, Cot.~ncil ?e~e~n~ier White suggc~ste~l. that the i=3iii h~ <br />cc~ntin~~eci to the April 2=tth C«~'rt~nittee mc,etit~~~~ at~d the i~prii 7th C€~uneil ~rleeting. <br />Co€€ncil Melnl~er Dieter agreed to this reclr~est, noting that he evill l~.~rtlter stG~dy the hoiding <br />period and otht;r itein5 artd report tsac;p to the C:oune:il. <br />Cc~l.~nt;il President Rouse noted that Cottr~cil IVlen~ll~er Pfeifer has charged deaiers to propose <br />so~netlaing letter and that the Council expects dealers to respond. <br />~il1 ~®. ~?-4G I)®~ ~~~ 664 ~, ~r~ ~•~.atlta~s it'o~ the ~;e~sef"rr•e 1Pa°o e-~~rr~: <br />Council [~te~nfier White called for a presentatis~n ors Bill ~~. 1.7-t)~ w[~icl~ evoultl approlariate <br />$98,Ea64 from the l~epartlnel~t cf Justice t~~~3J} for the Ceasefire l'rogra~n (copy attached}. Sloe <br />noted that the Co~nt~ittee had a. prior meeting on this Bill. rvhieh Kati extensive and intensive <br />discussi©ns. <br />C'ot~ncil ~[elnher White states) that the City cannrat ign€~re the statistit:al data provided and <br />be ~;eindfui of the ot~ligations to address all issues. <br />Pa~~ Meyer of the l~epartlner~t of Cozntnunity anti ~conotnic l7eveioptncnt made the <br />l:~resentation. Shy; noted that. the focal riot-for-pr€~lit ~~oard would operate t:hc; pro~~an1 which <br />cail.s ft~r two (2} ®ratreach on-call clergy me~nhers, who would response to incidents. The <br />program is aimed at viole~~ce reduction. It is pr©-active for middle and high school a~;e students, <br />tt~ I€eep them i.n school. <br />l:yl~n Coie~nan, a mayoral Acl~nit~istrative Assistant, spoke in favor of the; ordinance, statingr that <br />he believes the South Bend Cotnsnl~nity tv€rLtid l~enetit from this progran~t. <br />hx response to a tltzesti.on from Council. Il~lelnber I'uz~eiic~, it eves nt~ted that the Rt~l~i€~son Canter <br />is used now and that ley the end of April the program will 'tie out of the ~I N[Ct~. <br />Council President Rouse staled that h.e did not want to ~~ehash leis concerns and that they <rre on <br />tl~e recc~rtl at tl~e~ prior C.orn~~nittee meeting. <br />Ili resl~orlse to a tlt~estic~n Ei-on~ Council I~~e€~~~er Pfeifer, l~rls. IVl.eyer stated. that this is one~tit~e <br />fisnding beginning Septe~~ii~er l., '~t)O5; lout because ®f tl~e delayed nonce to the clt4j they would <br />be asking For are extension. She noted that the Board. would lse looping at ways to continue tl~e <br />pro~,n-arra . <br />~~1~ No, 20-~6. D[~J S22~a~~Q f+<a~, the Feed. ar~d Seed.... ~'~'~~r~: <br />I'a~n 1Vleyer then presented information €~n 13111 Nc~. `~()-U6; noting that this would be the 4th year <br />of gunding. It is aimed at law entorcetnei7t, cotl~anul~ity policing, and prevention, itlterventior' <br />and treatment at~tivities ineludi~~g safe havens. ':l'l~ey would also be asking. for an extension oli <br />t(~is l~ro~;ra~n in. lig6at ol'the cleiayed notice received by the City. <br />Council Mei~~'her Pfeifer stated that the Weed and Seed Program €~perating i.n the '`d District is a. <br />tivonderli~l and great prograrn_ <br />-ta~~~. a ~r ~ - <br />;1~ril 11Y, 2{l[ifi lle~lz§~ arni I'uUlic SaCets C'na~t~~~ittec oP the 2006 ~nut33 1zu3~c4 Cununi?~2 Cuw~ai4 <br />