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Complicated Deal for Rehab of Downtown Buildings - AM 590 - FM 96.5 1 WKZO Pagel of 3 <br />(http : /I.w w. w k zo. c o m) <br />W'K Z O <br />Home (1) Weather ( /weather /) News (/news /) Blogs ( /blogs /) Media ( #) Movies (/movies /) Events ( #) <br />On -Air (http:l lone. wkzo. com /sharedfairstaf /airstaf220.asp) Contact Us (http: / / /contact -us /) <br />( /news(gM1) Search News <br />Complicated Deal for Rehab of Downtown <br />Buildings n <br />kALAMA20 <br />Wednesday, December 15, 2010 7:19 a.m. EST G O S P E i <br />MISS101 <br />Caption: The Kalamazoo Skyline from atop Skydeck in <br />Downtown Kalamazoo. 448 North Burdick! <br />Kalamazoo <br />KALAMAZOO (WKZO) -- It's the latest effort to try and salvage four largely vacant, historic <br />buildings in the heart of downtown Kalamazoo. <br />They will not only restore the facades to the way they looked over 120 years ago, but upgrade <br />the interiors to thoroughly modern standards for commercial and residential use. <br />MAVCON's Joe Augustinelli said stimulus grants, funding for depressed areas, tax increment <br />financing, historic building grants and others have been patched together to restore the 100 - <br />block of East Michigan Avenue. <br />"It has a total of 14 layers of financing. It's one of -'If not the most - financially complicated deals <br />occurring in the state right now," Augustinelli said. <br />Jim Dailey said they will have businesses on the ground floor and moderately priced apartments <br />in the upper stories. <br />"These are going to range from studios to two- bedroom units there is a huge demand for these <br />units," Dailey said. "We have probably seven or eight of them already spoken for." <br />A brick breaking was held Tuesday. The $11 million project, called the "Metropolitan Center," <br />should be completed by the spring of 2012. <br />Share (http: / /sharer.php ?u= http %3A%2F <br />2F arti c les %2F2010 %2Fdec %2F 15 %2F complicated -deal• rehab - downtown - buildings %2F &src =sp ) <br />0 <br />(http: //www.addth is. com / p?v= 250 &winname =ad dth is& pu b =xa- <br />4a3a7bf17b384e 16& source =tbx -250& Inge n- us &s =g ooglebuu &u rl =http %3A %2F % <br />2Fnews %2Farticles %2F2010 %2Fdec %2FI5 %2Fcomplicated -deal- rehab - downtown - buildings % <br />2F &title= Complicated% 2ODeal% 20for% 2ORehab %20of'k2ODowntown %2OBuildings %20•%20AM <br />20590 %20.%20F M %2096.5 %20 %7C %20 W KZO& ate= AT -xa-4a 3a7bf 17b384e 16/ -/- <br />/ 4df113761faeO51c /l &uid=4dfll3762b3e44a5 &pre= http %3A%2F %2Fud %3Fsa % <br />3Dt% 26source% 3Dweb% 26cd% 3DI% 26sgi %3D2 %26ved %3DOCBYOFjAA %26un %3Dhttp %253A %252F% <br />252Fwkzo .com %252Fnews %252Farticles% 252F2010% 252Fdec %252F15 %252Fcompiicated•desl -rehab- <br />downtown- buildings %252F %26rct %3Dj %26q% 3Dhttp %253A %252F %252Fnews % <br />252Farticles %252F2010% 252Fdec %252F15 %252Fcomplicated - deal - rehab %26e1 % <br />3DaBPxTYTGAc W ugONpayxBA %26usg %3DAFO &tt =0) <br />(http: / /www.addthis. com /bookma p?v= 250 &winname =ad dthis &pu b=xa- <br />4a3a7bf17b384el6 &source= tbx- 250&ing= en- us&s =digg &url= http %3A %2F %2Fnews % <br />2F artic les %2F2010 %2Fdec %2F I5 %2Fcom p i i Gated- deal -re hab- downtown - buildings% <br />2F&title= Complicated% 2ODeal% 20for% 2ORehab %20of° /.2ODowntown %2OBuildings %20 -%2OAM <br />20590 %20 - %20F M %2096.5 %20 %7C %20 W KZO& ate= AT -xa-4a 3a7bf 17b384e 161-/ - <br />/4dfl 13761 faeO51 c /2 &uid=4df l l376da5b8aO7 &pre= http %3A %2F %2F url %3Fsa% <br />3Dt %26source %3Dweb% 26cd %3D1 % 26sgi %3D2 %26ved %3DOCBYOFjAA %26url % 3Dhttp %253A %252F % <br /> %252F news %252Farticles %252F 2010 %252Fdec %252F 15 %252Fcom p l i Gated- deal -reh a b- <br />kzoogospel.or <br />(MW&,cVw* *natch. coml mwc /adclick/FCID= 139 /sheer kzo /area= <br />Tigers Winning Streak Comes to an End in 7- <br />3 Loss (Inews/ articles /2011/jun/09ttigers- winning- <br />streak - comes -to-an- end4n- 7- 34oss /) <br />Severe Thunderstorm Watch Issued for <br />Kalamazoo, ... 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