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(g) Seller has not received notice of any violations of law or of any municipal or county <br />ordinances, agency rules or regulations, court orders or decrees, or other legal <br />requirements with respect to the Property or with respect to the use of the property, <br />occupancy or construction thereon. <br />(h) The Purchaser agrees to purchase the Property "AS IS WHERE IS" and without <br />any representations or warranties as to the condition of the Property by the Seller and <br />acknowledges that the Seller, including any of its representatives, has not made any <br />warranties or representations of any kind relating to the Property or the condition or <br />use thereof. The Purchaser has been advised by the Seller to complete to its <br />satisfaction, its own investigations of the Property. The Purchaser will conduct and <br />will rely exclusively on its own inspections of the Property in proceeding with this <br />transaction to purchase the Property. If, and only if, the Purchaser purchases the <br />Property, then the Purchaser will assume any liability the Seller may have for the <br />condition of the Property, environmental or otherwise, as a result of the Seller's <br />ownership of the Property. The Purchaser agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold <br />harmless the Seller from and against any and all damages, claims, fines or liability for <br />injuries to (including death of) persons or damage to or loss of property, real or <br />personal, or expense in any manner connected with the activities of the Purchaser, its <br />agents, contractors, employees involving the Property. The Seller hereby represents <br />that it has not taken any action that would reasonably result in a lien or encumbrance <br />being placed against the Property. The Purchaser further acknowledges that the <br />accuracy of the legal description contained herein is not warranted by the Seller. <br />To the best of Seller's knowledge, during Seller's ownership of the Property and <br />through the date of Closing (i) none of the Property has been or will be excavated or <br />used as a landfill, (ii) no fill has been or will be deposited on or taken from the <br />Property, (iii) no construction debris or other debris (including, without limitation, <br />rocks, stumps, or concrete) has been or will be buried upon any of the Property, and <br />(iv) no Hazardous Substances have been or will be generated, manufactured, refined, <br />treated, stored, handled, disposed of, produced, processed, deposited and /or released <br />in, on or about the Property. Seller represents and warrants that to the best of its <br />knowledge none of the foregoing has occurred with respect to the Property prior to the <br />time Seller became the owner of the Property. Seller represents and warrants that, as <br />of Closing, the Property is not in a condition by virtue of the applicability of any <br />Environmental Laws or otherwise that either restricts the use of the Property for any <br />purpose or imposes any liability upon Purchaser. Moreover, Purchaser shall have no <br />responsibility to Seller and Seller hereby releases Purchaser from all costs, expenses <br />and liabilities arising in connection with environmental conditions, hazardous materials <br />release, or underground structures or utilities that were not disclosed to Purchaser as <br />provided in this paragraph. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this Agreement <br />shall put an affirmative obligation on the Seller to expend financial resources to <br />remediate any environmental conditions on the Property. <br />0 <br />