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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting —May 24, 2011 <br />ratified the Services Contracts approved by staff 2011 <br />since May 10, 2011 <br />I. Other <br />(1) Engagement Letter from Sopko, <br />Nussbaum, Inabnit and Kaczmarek for <br />outside legal counsel. <br />Ms. Leonard Inks noted that the Commission <br />has expended the $60,000 previously <br />approved for outside legal counsel. This <br />Engagement Letter approves an additional <br />$60,000 for legal services to assist staff in <br />some of its legal issues in the various TIF <br />areas. <br />Mr. Varner asked if this was additional <br />appropriation for 2011, meaning we could <br />spend $120,000 annually. Ms. Leonard Inks <br />responded that each $60,000 typically covers <br />more than one year. This is the first contract <br />for legal services in the year 2011. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Downes, seconded by COMMISSION APPROVED THE ENGAGEMENT <br />Mr. Varner and unanimously carried, the LETTER FOR SOPKO, NUSSBAUM, INABNIT AND <br />Commission approved the Engagement KACZMAREK FOR OUTSIDE LEGAL COUNSEL. <br />Letter for Sopko, Nussbaum, Inabnit and <br />Kaczmarek for outside legal counsel. <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS <br />Mr. Inks noted that there are two progress reports. One PROGRESS REPORTS <br />on the Morris fountain. The pumps have been repaired. <br />But when they were putting them in they realized there <br />was more work to be done; the pit they go into had to be <br />cleaned up at the cost of about $2,800. That was an <br />additional costs that the Commission will be picking up. <br />Mr. Inks reported on the property the City is buying for <br />a right -of -way. In the AEDA strategy there is a line <br />item for the extension of Olive Road north to Adams <br />25 <br />