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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting —May 24, 2011 <br />the Park Department does not have the <br />resources to make them. Staff will look into <br />the possibility of funding the improvements <br />with TIF. <br />Mr. Gibney noted that as part of the existing <br />Medical TIF resources staff would like the <br />Commission to consider setting aside <br />$300,000 to participate in a $1.6M expansion <br />of the South Bend Civic Theater classroom <br />space. Ms. King questioned whether the <br />Commission would want to set a precedent of <br />contributing to a building campaign for a <br />non - profit agency. Mr. Gibney responded <br />that we have done so in the past, citing Ivy <br />Tech and WHIT as examples. The critical <br />criteria are location and neighborhood <br />revitalization. Our legal department would <br />need to determine if the expenditure fits the <br />law. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Downes, seconded by <br />Mr. Varner and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission accepted the proposal from The <br />Troyer Group for professional services in the <br />amount of $14,900 for the Downtown <br />Medical Services District. <br />(4) Resolution No. 2878 approving and <br />authorizing the execution of an <br />amendment to the Addendum to the <br />Master Agency Agreement. (621 E. <br />Jefferson Streetscape Modernization <br />Project) <br />Mr. Schalliol noted that Resolution No. 2878 <br />approves an addendum to the Master Agency <br />Agreement for curb and sidewalk work in <br />front of the new location for Michiana Lock <br />& Key and will serve as a complement to the <br />work being done to renovate their new <br />building. The design work has generally <br />18 <br />COMMISSION ACCEPTED THE PROPOSAL FROM <br />THE TROYER GROUP FOR PROFESSIONAL <br />SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT OF $14,900 FOR THE <br />DOWNTOWN MEDICAL SERVICES DISTRICT <br />