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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting —May 24, 2011 <br />with regards to union and equipment failure; <br />therefore, we were not interested in using <br />that company. The next highest bid was <br />$200,000 over the $1,500,000. Staff then <br />looked at every aspect of the bid and tried to <br />pare costs further. Then the city hired <br />Jonathon Burke as the Energy Director for <br />the City of South Bend. Animal Control <br />worked with Jonathon Burke and Carl Littrell <br />from Engineering to find additional savings. <br />When all was said and done they were <br />looking at an overall reduction of 50% in <br />energy costs over the life of the building. <br />But ultimately the cost to construct the <br />building was the same. <br />Ms. Toppel noted that the $1,500,000 didn't <br />include all the soft costs for landscaping <br />(required by the rezoning) and for furniture <br />and fixtures. That is the reason we're back <br />before the Commission today for an <br />additional $300,000 which includes <br />everything that we've paid for to date: <br />architects, engineers, rezoning, and board of <br />zoning appeals. This additional $300,000 <br />will make the final cost of the shelter <br />$1,800,000. <br />Mr. Inks thanked Ms. Toppel for that <br />presentation. Based on the Council's request <br />that this item be tabled for further <br />investigation, the Commission wished to <br />table the item. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Varner, seconded by <br />Mr. Downes and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission tabled item 6.0 (4) <br />5. OLD BUSINESS <br />There was no Old Business. <br />12 <br />COMMISSION TABLED ITEM 6.0 (4) <br />THERE WAS NO OLD BUSINESS <br />