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~ea~tb and nb~ Sate Com~ttee ~{1()f) 50t1[~z «GIEE1 ~ OC1111E<](t L.C1Ll11Cli <br />The iVlarch ~ 3, ;~€IOb ~a~eetin~ o~ the l-leatth aa~d Pub;ie Safety Cc»nn~ittee ~~~as called to order at <br />4:1.5 p.t~. by its ~i.ce-C-liairpet•son, ~.o~~cil E~IIe~~i~er .~~ut~ l~~~z~eiio in the ~oun.eil's ,raforEnal <br />1\/Ieetin~ Room. <br />Persons in att.endarrce included ~:our=,eii lVlerr€l~ers l~iete:r, Rouse, f':.rzzelio, White, !~irsits, <br />Pfeifer, Kelly, arEd; health ar~d l~ul~li=~ Safety Citizen iV[errrlaer Christie I~, Ivie~rrll}~, <br />~!layor Stephen 1.ueeke, ~;ity Contrc~ltc;r ~. Catherine 1"ar~.ellc~, Public Works Director teary, <br />Parks Sorperinte.t~dent Phil St. Clair, ~t~lic;e Cl~iet i l~o~nas Fautz; Residential Nei~hborl~ood <br />C:c~~~rnittee Citizen t~Ier~ril~er Ntartha l~ewis, ~xecaz.tive t~. hector o~ the o:l~Ccr~x~n~un.ity. <br />and ~cortor~nic Develop~~nent. Sharon l~endall; lv7rs. ~ol7ola, Sit. John Scuba, ~~~.:iaaes Walsh, <br />S~~t. Ricic t2icit l~u~~:o~~~ski, C:carntnurtity ~ tct~notnie .i_3e~~elol?l~aerat C~~ar~r~~tttec ~'.it~zet~ lvte~-nber <br />I~.a.rtirr Woltscrt~, .ia~~ie l.oo ol`t~i~e .`~c~~~~'~r ~rzr2c~ '~'~~i~r~3~~~ anal I~athleer~ Cel:anski-~~arrand, Cat~~cil <br />~Ottorney. <br />C:ottneil. ~Ie~.t~ber Puzzello ,•~c?ted that tt~e Cha.i.rperson crf the: Con-rn~ittc;e; iVtcmber White <br />was on tl-~e tc;le}~hone and that she world coed€~e.t tl~e t~eetiz~~ until she ~~ias available. She noted <br />tl~?at tl~e ~".c~n•otxrittee ~~nernbers i~~~ti€cl~ Cc~~~.rac~il.1~'i:e~n~sers v~arner, i~~spa, `Vaihite and l~~rsell',. ar~d <br />~.itizer~ n~e~r~l~er ~;hristie ~. .Mc~:~~ll~f. 'Tl~e topic listed. orE the C€~rrcrnittee agenda was <br />"Discussion c~r~ Police `Fake l~o~~e C,ar 1'olie}i-James Walsh". <br />St..iarr~es Walsh noted that lie had er~~tailed Council Mer~l3er White re~ardin~ the discussion with <br />the ~dz~i~listration tl~a.t the ~ ounc;il ~Iernl~ers ~~ay b~: clisc,ussi~~~ taki;~~ away the ponce take <br />han~e cars. lie stated that. the take l~o~~e car pro~~ra~r~. is very valuable to the city in light of it <br />providing increased. ponce l~resenee, and. that they wou'td Eike th }~rca~ran~ eor~tinued. <br />Police Cl~iel` "~"f1~~n~as F`autz stated that a ineeti~~€~ iva4 hold the ~C7t' after June of last year whe~~ <br />~~ascalinc; prices bean to spike. ~ Noted. that Ise i~~et with the Police xeccrtive Hoard to locale at <br />the prol~lcrr~ and see il~there is a s©lutiorr, aa~d that 5~~t, Walsh was unable to attend that n~e~tin~. <br />ale noted that the 1•~[)P ineml~ership dicfi voluntarily cr>t back org pri~?~te usage a3't.he tale lio~nc: <br />cars last year; however usage is "startir~t; to coYr~e up a~air~". <br />~;csuncil l~era~l.ser Pfeifer ~~oted that tour 4,'t~ reside~~ts have asked.laer al:r«ut the police take-hon~>e <br />ear pro~~ra~, especially i~~ l:i~ht o['cars ~oir~g outside oft:he city a.r~d real estate tars increasing. <br />She stated that perhaps there s4rould lie a re-evaluation c~tthe ~~ro~ran•-, and t'r~at if it vas witl-rin <br />her power anyone w°tic~ ~~•orlcs for the city would have b€: '~ivin~ ~~~thi~~ the city. <br />~i~~t. `alsh stated that state Iaw does €~e~t reclttire ptiblie sal:ety c>tficers to live withi.ta. the cit4f. <br />Often, South 13er~d police Officers baclk-cEl~ l~isl~awaka a:rrd St. Joseph. Corit~ty Police ~fiic:ers c?n <br />their way hoir~e. lie added that them is increased v~isi:t~ility ~~~i~l~ serves tote public safety. <br />]ntek'eSts. <br />C;auncil IVletnber l~.elly stated. That h.e is strongly in favor oi~ tl~.e police take-~o~-ne car prc~€~ra~~, <br />Ele stated that there increased poker; visibility in neighborhoods, and he k~elieves it is "a ~~at <br />M<uuh i 3, Zt~G6 i leallh ~ane~ Public S~afetY Cc>n~n1i[ie~ t;~~ the ~{)f1C Sotztt~ Yaetiu i~r~i~~n~o~~ C;t~~#nci]' -Wage 1 oi' 3 - <br />