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.I~tart l~feetirag ~~'tfa~ ~'aab~~c YT~i~rks ~~~rr~ ~r°~pcr~~= ~'~crata~rx f~®r~ttcttee <br />aa~~ t~t~ .~et~s'~xarael rara~ ,l~'ira~r~~~ ~~~a~t~tte~ <br />-the Soa~tl~ 13e~z~ ~;c~anfn~~n~ Carrn~:~ii 2(~~16- <br />The March 9., 2fl06 point meeting of the Public Works and Property Vacation Corn.traitte~; <br />and. the ~ersr~nnel anal Firaa~~ce C~'csYn~~aittee vas ;g~intly called to order by Public Works and <br />Property ~aeation Ccainrnitee Chairperson, l~r. L7avid Varner and Co~araeil Mea~nber Cllarlc~tte ~. <br />l?feifer.:~ersonnel and 1~'i.nance Cotraanittc:e Chairperson at 5:1.5 p,a~7. in the Council lnfar~nal. <br />Meetin<~ 1~ooan. <br />Persons in attendance iricl~aded Council Members Pu~zello, Kelly, t~~eifer, tNllite, cause <br />and Varner; Mayor Stephen Laaecke; City Coratrol.ler ~. Catherine Fanello, Fire Chief gather <br />~`aylor, Assistant Fire dick Switalski, Fiscal (~f~cer 131.11 Carleton, Coaran~ttnity ~c <br />l~con.oa~ic; l~eveloptr~ent Director Shaa~ota lteaadall, Pa:aaalic V1~carks Director nary ~lilot ai~cl <br />~:ouncil Attora~ev Kathleen C~:ka€rsl~i-l~arrand. <br />Council Member i'i=e.iier ~roted that tl~e n~rea~~}ers of tiro t'ersonn~~ a~~d ~~inas~sc <br />Coa~aa~aittee inGlt€de Cou.ncil Meanbers White, Ka~spa, '~arraer and l~aerself: <br />l~r. Varner noted that the n~aea~bers of tlac: Public ~~~orks and Property vacation <br />Coiraanittee include C'csunci M~;inbers Pfeifer, Dieter, Pu~zello grad himself'. <br />It was talrtl~er noted that the _joint aa~eetiaag of the Cor~n~ittees was called to review <br />Stabstitute Bill l~io. l ~-~~ ~vllieh is the proposed 2E)t3~ ca~~ital. baaciget. <br />Mayer f;ueclce announced that fc~ra~aer governor and Seautl~ Beard Mavc~r .loseph ~;. <br />t~er~a.n Maas put tc)~;etlaer ara ownership teaan to paarchase tl:ae South fiend tiil:verl'aa~eTks. <br />:Mayor l:ueckc° then provided backgrsund ii~tor~~atic=n on tl~~ l3aadgot process. lie noted <br />that the budgLt is dc~rae its two ~~) phase:s; tvitla Substitute dill I~io. 1.d.-()~ foc~xses primarily €~n <br />capital needs of tl~e city. ~e noted that due to the City Coratrcailer's fine a~~tana~;earaent skills <br />better financial reports are tsein~ prepared. tie faarther noted that thc~ Coaatrolier hus proposed <br />chaa~ges t€~r future budgets ~vlaich should enha~~ce the overall 13roc.ess. <br />Cif}r ~:cantroller M. Catherine Faa~ncllo voted that she lass provided slot of inlorrnatic~ra to <br />thy; Council. in light of Dr. Varner's email requests. She then reviewed the first docu~~erat. <br />~~aarked # l wl!aich. was an 1 ~-page docatraent listira~ tine type of frarad, prcaje;ct title, fund rau~ra.ber, <br />and whether the ite~~n wa.s listed in tl~e ?0(lh-2~tj9 Capital Budget (copy attached}. <br />€~. resl7o~ise to a cguestion i'roan l~r. Vara~er, l~layor f,€a.ecl<c noted that Arts 1/verywhere <br />was a two {2}year co~r~i~iti~aent; with. 20ft~ l~ein~; the last. year. <br />In response to a cluestiora froa~a Council Meaxat~er 1'tei~er, l~!tayoa• l-,ueclao stated that the <br />entire cit~% fleet does incla.ede the police take hoa~ne velticlc.s_ 1'Ie noted that that. pragrar~a l~egart <br />seven (?)years ago. Ne~v cars are rolled into the cits~ t~leet each. year. <br />Ivt;~rci~ ~9, ?i:~(;(i ,to~nt ~ee~ing ~~f t7~~ 1'ul lie ~h'orls c~ ~'; npe,rly V auatiui~ ~u=niwitee ~ i2ae .['crso~mel l l~a,iancc: t:a»it~ttsttee <br />-~'ai?e I o'i ~- <br />