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~af~ ~~tii~ cif t~~ ~~~~~n~~ ~r~c 'i~r~c~ ~c~mn~~~~~ ~~€f t~ <br />~r(gc ®~°~~ ~~~ ~~~c~~~~° ~T~~;~~~~~ C.€~rr~~~~~~-z{1065outi~i3eucirorm~souCbur:cil <br />Cs~uncil ~Ilei~€ber ~Vhite noted that ouch bend ~~r~s# continue to giro«~, cle~~elop a.nca l~eeo~ne <br />Netter while being an area. for jabs. ~~hese would be some of tl~e indirect benefits if the sta#e <br />legistation is passed. <br />~= c~u~~.cil l~l:e~nber Kelly s#ated. that thcr~; are ec~anon7ic benefits tt~ the entire area alcang the tali <br />road which leas been aroo~nd for at feast ~h gears.. <br />~`ouncil ~ernbcr l'u~relf® ~~o#ed that sloe ~rc~~€ld not be haying for the lease ou# cal'ta~. dollars. <br />Council 1Vlenlber Pfeifer noted that a9~ ~l-year old z~~ay not see the l~enefi#s directly. <br />Co~~s~eil president Rc~~se stated that there wt~r€ltl. be ~~o ]cuss tc~ this tai Mayer. <br />~n response #o a dues#ion from Council 1Vle~x-ber I~itc, the Cc~~ncil Attorney noted that il` fh.e <br />€~t~t~r€cil w~scdld ado~# the 5c~bsti#u#e bill #l~at it would be seat as so©n as ~ossihle to the ~or~err:or, <br />try all Cc~rn~~~ittee Chairpersons in the l-louse and. Sena#e as w~;ll as tr.~ o~zr s#a#e senators and state <br />re;preset~ta#ives rc;presentir~g cat€r area a~~d th.e L~~.Pc~rte and St. ,lcsseph Co€cnty C'omissior~ers. <br />4he noted. #ha# she attended last. l~rida.y`s special meeting of the board of ~.:otan#y Co7ntnissioners <br />#or St. :ioseph C.oun#y; and. that n1LECh of Corcncil. l'residen.t's pr®posed resc~l~lt:i.c~n. $vas <br />"barro~~led" b~, the CE~m~r~issioners and inclctdecl in theirs„ <br />l~r. Varner then. made a n~otioa~, seconded by Council Men~f~er White that substitute F3ill No.. <br />Oh-1 ~ be reeo~~~~nended favorat~ly tc~ Council. ~'he ~notioa gassed. <br />'#~l~ere being nr~ further business to coins before the .joint eon€rnittees, Council Nle~r-lser Pfeifer <br />adjourned #l~e Knee#ir~g at 4: l ~ .gyn. <br />F~es~ectfull.y submitted G <br />Council ltller~~ber Cl-~arlott ~~ifer, Chair~ersc~~~ <br />Personnel a~ad P'inaa~ee Ccr~~~nttee <br />l~r. David Varner, Cl~ai_rperson <br />public ~Iorks and Property Vacatio.r~ Co~~~a~.i.#tee <br />K~:P:k~nf <br />l~ttachn~ents <br />Joint Committee Meeting, of Feb~t~ry 1.,, 2t)[~6 -3?~~e ~ of 2- <br />