Laserfiche WebLink
these discussions and that the Mayor's picture appears on the Cc~u~~cil"s ~~~eb pages, a# night <br />appear to thr: public that "the IVlayc~r is the boss of all'", incl~.idin~; the Cottncii. <br />Dr. Varner ~~oted he has been. advised t:l~at rerr~cving the I~Eayor's picture is cort.sidered a <br />progra~n~ning change. if can be ds~ne however the Adn•ainistration is gafl~eria~g ail pro~~-a~n~~ai:ng <br />changes so that they caa~ be addressed at one tune. <br />C€~€~neil Member Pf~:irer stated. that she would like the District ~~aps includ€:d and the capacity to <br />zoom i~-a and zoom oot tin such maps. Ills. Faneilo stated tha# this should be possi&~le. <br />Dr. Varner noted. that thc. ~~C~C~ websi#.e as sL~ specialized that ~{ou ca~~ pull Ltp an aerial <br />pictaa~re of individual houses. <br />C~~€.~~cil T'residet~t laause oi~ tl~e Controller that aa~y casts i~avolved f:or pr€~gran~n~in,g <br />changes be forwarded to l)r. Varner. <br />l~r. ~Iar~~er n.ated that policies. anal. protocols will Dave to be established. <br />[vls. l`anello stated that orl-line payrrYents shczuld be ope.rab3e this wcel~. <br />Cou.nel 1'reside~.~t >!~c~r~se it~clL€ired of City Cferk Joln~ Voorde whether the re~Juested assistance <br />from leis sta:fl` for the Council's websi#e is res~~lting in are increase in pez°sonnel, to which l~l.r. <br />Voorde stated. no. <br />1~1Ir_ Voorde noted. that timing re~„arding tickets anal their issua.azce. ~~~ay be a» issue; however <br />pa.rkir~<,~ tickets cats be paid wi#l~in ozae ~ l ~ business dad-. Ile further Sao#ed that tl~e Ordinance <br />~~~iolations Bureau can accept any ticket up to ~1#JO.~U, hc~~vever there is legislation pending to <br />increase this amount to ~6(~C~.~~. <br />i'~s. l~anel[o stated that .~r~i~r~al Control. ar~d Code L;nforcen~et~t and other tickets will all be run <br />through the s)rsterrt. <br />Dr. Varner then asked IvT~•. Mayes to tell tl~e Co~r~~-ni.##ee abc~at hinlsclf. <br />Citizen ~nenlber ~tephe.r~ Ild. Hayes not~:d that he, lived ire Say.€th 13e~~d since: l~?4, a~~d i~~ tl~c <br />li.iver Park neighborhood for 2~ years. Ne has worked at the main lilarary at the Hniversity of <br />l~lotre Dais€; since l~"~~ with the majority of that #i~~~e in gflvei-~~~~er~# information services, <br />l~r~wee~er the last l.t~ years he bas been working i~~ business information services. <br />I~~ response to a cona~~er~t from Council 1!!Ie~nber ~~hite, Dr. Varner su~;~;ested tl2at the Cou~~cil's <br />completed ~uestionnair-e on 1°T ser~,lice needs be sent #o fir. Mayes. <br />Cite Clerk John Vc~arde noted that now° #hat all citizen znen~bers Dave teen appointed to the <br />s,°arious star~dang cor~anittees, that his office v~~il:l snake sure: that each cif€zen n~en~ber gets a copy <br />ofthe meeting agenda and the Bills which They will be reviewinb. <br />f~lfbrn~ation a~ad Technolc~~.;v C;.a~nt~~itlee iv~.e~ti~~w o#'~'~#~~~i.Eaiy 1 3, ?i'3Qf3 -#'~~e ~ ~~f 3 <br />