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Pat Lynch of 71 l ~r'est ~Nashirr~;t:on made the presenrderrto~ rovidel addit~o na arld sett parr ~'~ <br />present. He noted that the vacatior€ is necessary rrr o p p y. <br />spaces for the retail space located at 2~? 1 ~ Wiest ~esterrr. ~ he building is crtrrently erg t vvas <br />forr~~rerly a tax proparer's ofl`ice; arrd would be used. as a restaurant. <br />lrr response to a question fror~r ~ourrcil Mernl~er Pfeifer, it vvas rrcrted that the zoning is <br />appropriate fc~r a resta~xrar~t. <br />C;ot~ncit iv(ernt~er Puzzetlo noted that the ~or~rac€1 received a letter in crppositic~n ~.Canuary I9, <br />`Z0~6 letter from Bavid ~. Jar~o~czyk attached). <br />Mr. Littrell 1.~oted that the I~ciblic rArks t~epart~nent is irr favor cif the recfrzestec~ vacation. <br />council Member l'foifer made a n~rotior~, seconded try ~`ourrcil Mer~~ber Dieter that Bill No. <br />t3-fib be rc;cc~rrrr~ended favorably to Courrcit. The tnoticsrt passed. <br />~il~ 1~~. ~~-QRS. ~aca~io~ ~e ~aest.. <br />fir. 0~'arr1er there called for a preser~tatica~t on 13111 No. 01-~16 ~vhiclr is a request t~ vacate the first <br />easthvest alley sor~th of I~rairie Avonr~e ftom ~roolsfield Street oast tc~ the first northlsoutla alley <br />for a distance of 1'Z(3 feet acrd a vaidth of I~ feet, this being a part of Prairie Avenue lteighfs <br />addition. <br />Ivlaria E:oria of 2QtJ4 Prairie ~Lvenrtc, made thtis~~e robler~s resultir~l; in b olce~t r~vrndo~vsearrd <br />requesting the ~~ac;atior~ in light of many vanc~a p <br />this beirrl; stolen. She noted. that the alley has not beery rased by vehicles for a long ti.~ne. <br />I~r. Varner r-oted that the req€~est received a fa~~orat7le request 4'rcrr~ tl~.e Board of Publie'orics <br />(:tanuary 5, ZO~b report attached}. <br />try response to a question from. ~;ourtcil l0~errrber White, Mr. Littrelt stated that the l~epartr~~e~~t <br />ofPublic Wvrits supports the request to vacate. <br />C`ouneil l~'[ei~rl~er Pu.zzi;ll.o made a ~zrotior~, seconded by C.ouneii Member I3ieter that Bi11 N~. <br />Gl-C~6 be recorr~r~rended favor~l~ly to Council.. `Tl~e motion passed. <br />~'l~ere being no further lsusiness to came beli~re tb.e Go~rrr~ittee, Dr. Varner adji~urned the <br />meeting at 4:~~ <br />i?.~,specttully slibznitted, <br />r~~ ~~ <br />._ <br />~;© crl Meint~er David Varner, ~'hairpers~r~. <br />Paablic'V~ari<s and ~'rol3erty vJacation. Ccrn~~nittee <br />IBC la :kr~rf <br />Attachra~ents <br />~~inuai~,' 23, ?(NJ6 Public 3h~~3~'ks H~~dl'iorx ty v2ECt3tioal Cotz~ni~tee Ivteetiiz~ s~I'tl~~e 2C)Uti So~~t1z Beuit C1uc~anur~ C.a~ine~l -~'~l~~ ~ ot~ ~- <br />