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City of South Bend, Indiana <br /> Multi-Year Capital Improvement Plan Summary by Cost Center <br /> 2007-2010 <br /> Revised-June 6,2011 <br /> 2006 <br /> CIP Plan Actual <br /> Estimates Spent <br /> Name 2007-2010 2007.2010 Variance <br /> i <br /> ARRA/StimulusFunding__- __,__-� 0 8,846,662 8,646,662 <br /> r—_�—-_- <br /> Building Department ______ j 122,500 L_37,315 X5,185 t <br /> Building Maintenance__ 98,900 i_ 15,581 (83,319 <br /> _Central Services _ 408,350 13,252 39b,098)i <br /> eMUry Center _ 31,751,00 4,887,2331 (26,_8.6_3,767)) <br /> City AdministratioNlnformetio(TTechnology _ _ 1,170,2851 1,190,780 r_ 20,475 ! <br /> Code Enforcement/Animal Control <br /> 0 1,4 _ _209,172 1 (1,225,128)1 <br /> Community&Economic Development __ 73,473,600 95,345,508 21,871,908 j <br /> Curb&Sidewalk Program(Good Neighbors) O j0 _ 1,766,589 _ (243,411 <br /> Engineertngr[rafBc&Lighting/Local Road&Street ! 14,819,900 - 8,511,285 (Q30 .615) <br /> Fire DepartmentfEMS ____ 11,507,200 4,834,486 (6,672,714); <br /> Mortis Performing Arts Center ____ 100,000 112,515 12,515 f <br /> Parks&Recreation 34,768,000 _ 5,692,889 L(29,075,131 <br /> Police Department --- ------------ 5,986,604,864,327 1 (1,522,273)' <br /> Solid Waste - ---- __—� 0 ___1,200,000 733,197 i_ (466,803)1 <br /> Street Department _____ ! 5,886,710 _ 810,629__x,078,081): <br /> Street Light Replacement_ �j 300 75,000) (225,000)j <br /> Street Paving______.-__—__-_.� 6000,000 8,0�48406� 2,048,406 ; <br /> Sewage Works - 61,517,683 51,723,33p (9,794,333 <br /> Water Works _ __ 18,877,600 11,518,2291 (7,359,371 <br /> Other Capital Projects­ Oi 778,824 778,824 <br /> otal 1271,422,608 210-,5i22,8-8-3 --60 <br /> Percentage Spent <br /> Average-Four Yeaw 1 67,855,652 j 52,830,723 j (15,224, <br /> _Notes <br /> 'CED--includes Eddy Street Commons and other projects funded b TIF and not General Fund <br /> •Century Center-$3 QOOO,OOOexpansion of[he adlity not funded. <br /> 'Parks-funding for a regional aquatics center and other si nifcant projects not funded. <br /> `Sewage Works-long term control plan is the major capital prolact. <br /> 'ARRA/Stimulus funding-not antici ated in 2006 CIP Ian. <br />