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Exhibit D <br />STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br />1. INVOICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES: DLZ shall submit <br />invoices, once a month, at a minimum, to the OWNER for Services <br />aTccomplished during each calendar month. <br />he OWNER, as OWNER or authorized agent for the OWNER, hereby agrees <br />that payment will be made for said Services within thirty (30) days from the <br />date of the invoice; and, in default of such payment, hereby agrees to pay all <br />cost of collection, including reasonable attorney's fees, regardless of whether <br />legal action is initiated. The OWNER hereby acknowledges that unpaid <br />invoices shall accrue interest at 18 percent per annum after they have been <br />outstanding for over thirty (30) days. If an invoice remains unpaid sixty (60) <br />days after the date of the invoice, DLZ may, upon giving seven (7) days written <br />notice of its intent to do so, suspend all Services on the OWNER's project. <br />This suspension shall remain in effect until all unpaid invoices are paid in full. <br />If an invoice remains unpaid ninety (90) days after the date of the invoice, <br />DLZ may, upon giving seven (7) days written notice of its intent to do so, <br />declare OWNER to be in breach of this Agreement and pursue its remedies for <br />collection. <br />2. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES: Construction Phase Services are not <br />intended to be exhaustive detailed inspections but site observations to become <br />generally familiar with and to keep Owner informed about the progress and <br />quality of work. The Contractor is totally responsible for compliance with the <br />Contract Documents. If, under this Agreement, professional services are <br />provided during the construction phase of the project, DLZ shall not be <br />responsible for or have control over means, methods, techniques, sequences, or <br />procedures; or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the <br />Work. Nor shall DLZ be responsible for the Contractor' s failure to carry out <br />the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents or for Contractor's <br />failure to comply with applicable laws, ordinances, rules or regulations. Under <br />no circumstances will DLZ have any direct contractual relationship with the <br />Construction Manager, Contractor, any subcontractors, material suppliers or <br />other consultants unless DLZ and the Owner expressly agree otherwise in <br />writing. OWNER agrees that DLZ will perform on -site construction review <br />for this project and that such services will not be performed by others. <br />SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION: DLZ makes no representations <br />concerning soil conditions unless specifically included in writing in this <br />agreement, and DLZ is not responsible for any liability that may arise out of <br />the making or failure to make soil surveys, or sub - surface soil tests, or general <br />soil testing. <br />4. AGENCY REVIEW: In the event that the plans, specifications, and/or <br />field work covered by this contract are those required by various governmental <br />agencies and in the event, that due to change of policy of said agencies after <br />the date of this agreement, additional office or field work is required, the said <br />additional work shall be paid for by OWNER as extra work. <br />5. SURVEY STAKING: In the event that any staking is destroyed by an <br />act of God or parties other than DLZ, the cost of restaking shall be paid for by <br />OWNER as extra work. <br />6. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES: The OWNER shall pay the costs of <br />checking and inspection fees, zoning and annexation application fees, <br />assessment fees, soils engineering fees, soils testing fees, aerial topography <br />fees, and all other fees, permits, bond premiums, title company charges, <br />blueprints and reproductions, and all other charges not specifically covered by <br />the terns of this agreement. <br />7. CHANGE OF SCOPE: The Scope of Services set forth in this <br />Agreement is based on facts known at the time of execution of this Agreement, <br />including, if applicable, information supplied by DLZ and OWNER. DLZ will <br />promptly notify OWNER of any perceived changes of scope in writing and the <br />parties shall negotiate modifications to this Agreement before commencement <br />of change in scope. <br />8. SAFETY: DLZ shall establish and maintain programs and procedures <br />r the safety of its employees. DLZ specifically disclaims any authority or <br />sponsibility for general job site safety and safety of persons other than DLZ <br />mployees. <br />9. REUSE OF PROJECT DELIVERABLES: Reuse of any documents <br />or other deliverables, including electronic media, pertaining to the Project by <br />OWNER for any purpose other than that for which such documents or <br />deliverable were originally prepared, or alternation of such documents or <br />deliverables without written verification or adaption by DLZ for the specific <br />purpose intended, shall be at OWNER's sole risk. <br />10. OPINIONS OF CONSTRUCTION COST: Any opinion of <br />construction costs prepared by DLZ is supplied for the general guidance of the <br />OWNER only. Since DLZ has no control over competitive bidding or market <br />conditions, DLZ cannot guarantee the accuracy of such opinions as compared <br />to contract bids or actual cost to OWNER. <br />11. INSURANCE: DLZ will maintain insurance coverage for Professional, <br />Comprehensive General, Automobile, Worker's Compensation and <br />Employer's Liability in amounts in accordance with legal, and DLZ business, <br />requirements. Certificates evidencing such coverage will be provided to <br />OWNER upon request. For projects involving construction, OWNER agrees <br />to require its construction contractor, if any, to include DLZ as an additional <br />insured on its policies relating to the Project. DLZ coverage referenced above <br />shall, in such case, be excess over contractor's primary coverage. <br />12. INDEMNITY: To the fullest extent permitted by law, DLZ shall <br />indemnify and save harmless from and against loss, liability, and damages <br />sustained by OWNER, its employees, and representatives by reason of injury <br />or death to persons or damage to tangible property to the extent caused directly <br />by the negligence of DLZ or its employees. <br />13. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY: No employee of DLZ shall have <br />individual liability to OWNER. OWNER agrees that, to the fullest extent <br />permitted by law, DLZ's total liability to OWNER for any and all injuries, <br />claims, losses, expenses or damages whatsoever arising out of or in any way <br />related to the Project or this Agreement from any causes including, but not <br />limited to, DLZ's negligence, error, omissions, strict liability, or breach of <br />contract shall not exceed Ten Thousand Dollars. If OWNER desires a limit of <br />liability greater than provided above, OWNER and DLZ shall include in the <br />Agreement the amount of such limit and the additional compensation to be <br />paid to DLZ for assumption of such risk. <br />14. PREVAILING PARTY LITIGATION COSTS: In the event any <br />actions are brought to enforce this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be <br />entitled to collect its litigation costs from the other party. Any litigation shall <br />be governed by the laws of the state of Indiana. <br />15. AUTHORITY: The persons signing this Agreement warrant that they <br />have the authority to sign as, or on behalf of, the party for whom they are <br />signing. <br />16. STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS: To the fullest extent permitted by <br />law, parties agree that, except for claims for indemnification, the time period <br />for bringing claims regarding DLZ's performance under this Agreement shall <br />expire one year after Project Completion. <br />17. SCHEDULE: DLZ shall not be responsible for the Contractor's schedule <br />or failure to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract documents. <br />DLZ shall not have control over or charge of acts or omissions of the <br />Contractor, Subcontractors, or their agents or employees, or any other persons <br />performing portions of the Work. <br />18. SHOP DRAWINGS: Review of such submittals is not conducted for <br />the purpose of determining the accuracy of completeness of other details such <br />as dimensions and quantities, or for substantiating and/or coordinating <br />instructions for installation or performance of equipment of systems with other <br />contract disciplines, all of which remain the responsibility of the Contractor as <br />required by the Contract. DLZ's review shall not constitute approval of safety <br />precautions or, of any construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or <br />procedures. DLZ's approval of a specific item shall not indicate approval of an <br />assembly of which the item is a component. <br />Revised 5/07 M:\PROJ\0761\2664\docs\agreement\Clearing & Demo Contract \Exhibit D TermCond revised 5- 11- 07.doc <br />