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01-10-05 Council Meeting Minutes
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Common Council Meeting Minutes
01-10-05 Council Meeting Minutes
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12/13/2007 4:26:19 PM
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12/10/2007 10:18:33 AM
City Council - City Clerk
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REGULAR MEETING JIANUARY 10, 2005 <br />Mr. Zappia advised that the property owners have submitted their fourth (4~') site plan which <br />does eliminate any access point on to Locust Road in an addition thereto provides single-family <br />residential development as an additional buffer to the neighbors that reside on Locust. The <br />petitioner is seeking is to rezone two (2) parcels of real estate. The first parcel along Prairie <br />Avenue and S.R. 23 is to be "LB" Distr7eC, which is the Local Business District. The preliminary <br />site plan does show that we will have three (3) sets of buildings, those will encompass <br />approximately 31,000 square feet of the area, about 5,000 to 10,000 square feet will be office <br />space and the remaining portion of that will be retail strops. There are two access points from <br />parcel I onto Prairie Avenue. The planning staff did indicate that since Prairie Avenue is a state <br />highway, we would have to go through the Indiana Department of Transportation for curb cut <br />and final state approval. More likely or not they would require deceleration tares and possible a <br />passing blister. What they determine is ultimately what we will follow. The basis of the <br />deceleration lane and passing blister is to meet the requirements of speed that are on Prairie <br />Avenue as well as the safety site distances. Both issues are about safety, and they feel that is very <br />important and one of the key issues with residents of the neighborhood. The front building on <br />parcel I would be connected to City water and City sewer, obviously at the petitioners expense. <br />There is approximately 430 feet distance between the nearest property owner and the property <br />line. The second parcel of land encompasses about 21 acres, this is a reduction from about 29S <br />acres. This is the multi-family or "MF2" District. There will be approximately twenty-four (24) <br />buildings, two-story in height The site will be accessed will be through the "LB" District on <br />Prairie Avenue. Mr. Zappia further noted again, that there is no access onto Locust Road. The <br />planning staff recommended a divided entrance way off of Prairie Avenue, and the petitioner is <br />willing to make modifications to accommodate this recommendation. There is an existing high <br />tension line that tuns in a nozth/south direction it is 165 x 1000 feet, and the petitioner has <br />worked this development around that. Ultimately the development has a recreation area; single <br />family and multi-family and fifty percent (50%) of the entire site is open space. The project has <br />provided a loop street for safety and access for fire and ambulance protection. The drainage <br />requirements will be handled by the petitioner. The Cataldo family has owned the property for <br />fifteen {15) years and have tried to market this particular piece of property as single family and <br />have not been able to sell this property. Mr. Zappia stated that the economic impact of this <br />project is approximately twenty-five million dollars. <br />Mr. Mike Danch, Danch, Harper & Associates, 2422 'Viridian Drive, South Bend, Indiana, <br />advised that he is representing the petitioners Bruno & Rosa Cataldo & Teresa M. Bova and <br />prepared the site plan that is being presented this evening. There were four (4) revisions to the <br />site plan at the request of the Area Plan Commission Staff's request and at the concern of some <br />of the adjacent proper-ty owners. The original plans had access out to Locust Road, the site plan <br />before you is a downsize of the entire project eliminated almost ten (10) acres of ground of multi- <br />family down to the "MF 2" District of approximately 21 acres. NIr. Danch stated that this site <br />has many different Itinds of soils on it, but mostly they are clay and sandy soils, the remonstrators <br />at this afternoon's committee meeting were referring to the soil as marsh or wetlands and have a <br />seasonable high water table over a majority of the site, that is not the case in this project. Mr. <br />Danch also stated that because of the AEP electric lines that run through the easement on this <br />property make this parcel of land almost impossible to develop into single-family lots. Mr. <br />Danch stated that water and sewer will. be per the City standards and at the petitioners cost. Nir. <br />Danch stated that if this project is approved the divided entrance way that comes off of Prairie <br />and into the multi-family and commercial location. Mr. Danch advised that because of the new <br />zoning ordinance that the City now uses for the multi-family district, there are a lot of restrictions <br />that go onto the property that were not there before under the new standards. The requirement <br />for recreational area within the multi-family district of approximately 10% of the project area, <br />and there is also additional set back requirements around the buildings that did not exist before, <br />which again creates an additional buffer from any building to the property lines. The single <br />family area adds an additional 300 foot wide buffer between the project site and the closest <br />single-family lots along Locust Road. <br />
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