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- ., _.r .,. ',r,r. ..v ,. .s. � .. ... .....-.-• '. ::� '.:,l i ^•:'h5 - .,5.• .�--'�'1�:�',��V t <br /> Gcl��t.�a4 p ,3 ti OH Flf A?/90A7 1) P.eC 701'_ -�"" - .•:: <br /> MAIL TO- St, Joseph County Airport. Authority carrr+r#HT MAY inr,ax.Josirrrr frlotxNA`�Nt Ali�lrAfM6 <br /> 22965 U. S. 20 AU ITOR'f REC& <br /> South Bend, Indiana 46628 y- <br /> �r Tranaf r No. <br /> INITY r <br /> WA R_ V211 <br /> A D E E Taxing Unrt�.,� <br /> r <br /> a <br /> Date <br /> This indenture witnesseth that <br /> F <br /> f <br /> Paul S. Tuesley and Mae 1. Tuesley, husband and wife <br /> Of St. Joseph Cnunty in the Statr Indiana <br /> Convey and warrant to <br /> St. Joseph County Airport Authority District <br /> of St. Joseph Count%, in the.Statr of Indiana <br /> for and in tr,ntiiderwhon rrf 'fen Dollars and other good and valuable consideration <br /> the rrreipt tt'hrrruf ibg herrd+r(reku, 'ledged, the fc,llowhig Real h.oam in St. Joseph County <br /> in the .State of lndiarrrt, to ft-il: <br /> A parcel of land in the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Town- <br /> ship 38 North, Runge 2 East, St. Joseph County, Indiana, and <br /> more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the <br /> Southwest corner of said quarter Section; thence North I degree <br /> 17 minutes 33 :seconds East 1,321,54 feet along the West line <br /> r-)F said Quarter Section; thence North 89 degrees 42 minutes <br /> 24 seconds East 40.00 feet to the point of beginning; of this <br /> description, which point is on the East boundary of Mayflower <br /> t Road (S, R. 123); thence North 1 degree 17 minutes 33 seconds <br /> West 835.94 feet along said Fast boundary to the Southeastern <br /> boundary cif Nnyflower Road (S, R. 123); thence North 59 degrees <br /> 52 minutes .'.l seconds Fast 91.32 feet along said Southeastern <br /> Q boundary to the Southwestern boundary of Lincoln Way West <br /> (u. A, 20); thence South 68 degrees 07 minutes 00 seconds East <br /> 1,251,65 feet rtlong said Southeastern boundary; thence South <br /> J� 1 degree 06 minutes 44 seconds East 408.83 feet; thence South <br /> 89 degrees 42 minutes 24 seconds West 1,229.54 feet to the <br /> point of beginning. <br /> Subject to all taxes, assessments, covenants, restrictions <br /> F` and easeme.lts of record, its well as an existing lease between <br /> Grantors anti Burkhart Advertising, Inc. for advertising <br /> structures presently upon said remises. <br /> e <br /> Signed f] <br /> tnud crlir!duti•rf Ilirx_.. drry raj. <br /> ?i State of Indiana, St. Joseph Counly, ss: <br /> ---- <br /> !tr l s ae. dtrr m lrra's�'rrr ®g�� <qurpmr ti Paul S. Tuesley <br /> rlrlrt,titrrlr',lll'r,,aNretlt'IitrJ flied lork' ice , <br /> y <br /> tiPat <br /> ....... .... <br /> Paul S. Tuesley ',nd M- a I. Tuesley, <br /> husband and wife, k` <br /> A 2 '7 Ili , <br /> S•nt <br /> Mae I. Tuesley <br /> JO N VO RP <br /> cffy OLE SOUTH BRNO,IN <br />