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10 <br /> Petition site. The Petitioners would ask approval of this <br /> Variance to be allowed to secure a portion of the school site. <br /> Approval of this Variance should not be detrimental to the <br /> surrounding properties. <br /> The next requested Variance is from the requirement of <br /> providing a required perimeter landscaping of one (1) deciduous <br /> tree at a minimum spacing of 40 feet on-center along the North, <br /> East, South and West property lines to providing a minimum of 47 <br /> over-story trees at a spacing of approximately 80 feet on--center <br /> as shown along said property lines. Presently on the Hospital <br /> site there were approximately 30 street trees along the perimeter <br /> of the site. As proposed, the Petitioners would be adding over 30 <br /> street trees to an additional 2050 lineal feet of the perimeter <br /> boundary and more trees in designated interior areas of the site. <br /> They believe the proposed perimeter landscaping adds a site <br /> amenity, which presently does not exist, and still meets the <br /> intent of the Ordinance. The plan, as proposed, would provide a <br /> continuous tree canopy along the shown perimeter of the site. The <br /> Petitioners believe approval of this Variance would not create a <br /> negative impact for any adjacent property. <br /> The next requested Variance is from the requirement of <br /> providing one interior parking landscape island at a rate of one <br /> Island per 15 spaces for a total of four islands for the proposed <br /> on-site 49 spaces parking area to the two islands shown. The <br /> Petitioners are asking to build the parking lot as shown with no <br /> interior landscape islands at the north side of the parking lot. <br /> As designed they would prefer to keep this area open for storing <br /> snow, but still allows for the use of the parking spaces. The <br /> Petitioner would incorporate the two removed trees into the <br /> landscape area around the parking lot. They believe the lot as <br /> designed meets the intent of the Ordinance with the proposed <br /> landscaping trees and shrubs. <br /> The next requested Variance is from the 25-Foot Front-yard <br /> setback along St. Louis Street to a minimum of 5 feet to allow <br /> for the placement of proposed game courts with their associated <br /> protective fencing as shown. The proposed site plan shows the <br /> location of two proposed game courts south of the Concession <br /> stand/Maintenance building along LaSalle Avenue and St. Louis <br /> Street. The Ordinance requires these types of uses to be 25 ft. <br /> from the street right-of-way. These game courts were placed to <br /> work with the other athletic uses on the site and with the <br /> existing topography, which is flat at this location. The <br /> Petitioners believe that placing the game courts as shown with <br /> the proposed fencing would not have a detrimental affect on <br /> adjacent properties. <br /> The next Variance is from the requirement of providing 655 on- <br /> site parking spaces for proposed athletic fields (stadium) (i.e. 1 <br /> space per 5 seats & 1 space for 2 employees) to 49 on-site spaces <br /> and 329 proposed off-site spaces for a proposed 3,250 seat <br />