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REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 23, 2006 <br />corrections were noted after that. She again reiterated that most of those corrections are <br />typographical or grammatical in nature. She stated that they cannot make a change to <br />something that is called a draft and already been through Area Plan that has been sent to <br />the Council as a recommendation until after that fact. <br />Councilmember Varner stated that once that is done, the resolution does not come back <br />before the Council. <br />Council President Rouse called upon Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand for a <br />legal advice. <br />Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand advised that State Law provides that the <br />final version that the City Council would adopt if there are any corrections such as the <br />three and half pages of amendments that have been proposed after the Area Plan <br />Commission that it then goes back to the Area Plan Commission for final approval or <br />disapproval. She believes that it is 60 days that the Area Plan has to take final action. It <br />does not under State Law come back to the Common Council. <br />Councilmember Varner stated that the final version is necessary because you can have <br />much more public input and participation. <br />Council President Rouse stated that the Council is not adopting a final version, but a draft <br />version. If the Council is going to adopt a final version, this is the question in the <br />Council’s mind, who is actually going to adopt this final version plan. <br />Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski-Farrard stated that State Law Indiana Code 36-7-4- <br />5-10 and it states that if the Common Council rejects or amends the comprehensive plan <br />then it shall be returned to the plan commission for its consideration with a written <br />statement for the reason for its rejection or amendment. The Area Plan Commission has <br />60 days to act and file its report with the Council. <br />Mayor Luecke stated that the Resolution adopts the draft and incorporates the three pages <br />of technical changes and amendments, so that what the Council would be adopting <br />through the Resolution becomes the final version and then goes back to Area Plan, which <br />also has its adoption process and they would accept or reject the amendments. Given the <br />nature of the amendments the administration does not expect the commission to reject the <br />Resolution. So for the Area Plan Commission’s purpose they would accept those <br />amendments to revise what they have already accepted as the City Plan for the City of <br />South Bend. <br />Councilmember Varner’s concern is because the Council has recently sat through a <br />process like this with the rezoning in a large document. By coincidence, it was Mr. <br />Master’s with the result of some action, found out that there as a shortfall with regards to <br />the absence of parking, it was an oversight, certainly not intentional. He stated that he <br />would like to see a final draft with all the changes and amendments incorporated to avoid <br />problems in the future. <br />Councilmember Puzzello questioned a correction that might change the context of the <br />subject. <br />Pam Meyer stated that she personally went through all the changes to make sure what <br />they were, just like the question has been asked. Ms. Meyer stated that she cannot tell <br />that off the top of her head, but she does have her papers with her.It could be that that <br />was a duplicate and that there were two words in the document. So that is the reason for <br />it being taken out. It could be that the phraseology didn’t make sense so they changed it <br />and took it out, there might have been a better way to say what was there or it wasn’t <br />necessary in the line. She thinks that the assumption was that by sending those <br />amendments, there might have been a review of those to make the Council comfortable. <br />It that is not the case, then, she understands the hesitancy but, in her mind and in <br />conversations with John Byorni, Area Plan Commission, those were non-substantive and <br />did not think it would be an issue. <br />24 <br /> <br />