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REGULAR MEETING APRIL 27, 2006 <br />Councilmember Kirsits, Vice-Chairperson, Zoning & Annexation Committee, reported <br />that this Committee met on this bill on Monday, April 24, 2006 and it was the consensus <br />of the Committee to send this bill to the full Council with a favorable recommendation. <br />th <br />Mr. P.J. Thuringer, Staff Member, Area Plan Commission, 11 Floor County-City <br />Building, South Bend, Indiana, presented the report from the Area Plan Commission. <br />Mr. Thuringer advised that the petitioner is requesting a zone change from “R” <br />Residential (County) to “MIFF” Urban Corridor Multifamily to allow uses allowed in the <br />Urban Corridor Multifamily District. On Site is one single-family house rezoned “R” <br />Single-Family Residential. To the north are single-family houses zoned “R” Single- <br />Family Residential. To the east is an apartment complex zoned “MF2” High-Density <br />Multifamily. To the south is an access drive connecting Willis Avenue and the eastern <br />apartments zoned “MF2” High-Density Multifamily. On the east side of Willis Avenue <br />there is an auto and tire repair shop zoned “C” Commercial (county). On the west side of <br />Willis Avenue there are single-family houses zoned “R” Residential. The “MF1” Multi- <br />family Residential District is established to protect, promote and maintain the <br />development of urban style multifamily dwellings and to provide for limited public and <br />institutional uses that are compatible with a multifamily residential neighborhood. The <br />development standards are designed to promote the establishment of multifamily <br />dwelling projects (including apartment, townhouse or row house style developments) and <br />high density two family dwelling development located along a block face, in developed <br />areas of the community which are served by a full range of public amenities. The site if <br />0.6 acres or 25,960 square feet in size.Two buildings are shown containing four <br />townhouses each for a total of eight units. The buildings are two stories and cover 8,000 <br />square feet or 31% of the site. One southern driveway will provide access. There are 23 <br />parking spaces with paving covering 28% of the site. Open space-landscaping cover the <br />remaining 41% of the site. In 2002, the County Council rezoned 8.74 acres to the west <br />across Willis Avenue from “R” Residential to “R-2” Multi-family Residential to <br />construct quadplex, duplex and single family houses. The development trend is towards <br />multifamily residential. Willis Avenue contains two lanes within a 60 foot right-of-way. <br />Municipal water and sanitary sewer will serve the site. Variances my be required for the <br />southern access driveway and reducing the front setback from 25 to 5 feet. The <br />Comprehensive Plan: Policy Plan: Goal 3: Objective C: Polity ii: Low Density multi- <br />family and single-family residential lots should not have direct access to arterial streets. <br />Goal 3: Objective D: Encourage population growth within existing service areas. This <br />petition is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan neighborhood policies. The Land Use <br />Plan does not designate this area for a specific land use. Currently the neighborhood is a <br />mix of single family houses and multi-family dwellings, along with some nearby <br />commercial uses. The most desirable use is multifamily development or single family <br />houses. Surrounding property values could be impacted with the rezoning and <br />annexation. It is responsible development and growth in this area to replace older single- <br />family housing stock adjacent to multifamily zoning districts with new multifamily <br />developments. Based on information available prior to the public hearing, the staff <br />recommends that the petition be sent to the Common Council with a favorable <br />recommendation. The rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan neighborhood <br />policies. It is compatible with the adjacent multifamily zoning districts and land uses. <br />The rezoning promotes infill development on municipal utilities in proximity to a major <br />transportation corridor, State Road 23, with existing retail and personal services. <br />Mr. Michael Danch, Danch, Harner & Associates, Inc., 1643 Commerce Drive, South <br />Bend, Indiana, representing the property owner, Mr. John Roy, made the presentation for <br />this bill. <br />Mr. Danch advised that his client is requesting the approval of an annexation and <br />rezoning to the “MF1” Urban Corridor Multifamily District Classification for his <br />property located at 54670 Willis Avenue, South Bend, Indiana. This Annexation and <br />Rezoning is to allow for the construction of eight town home/villas. Mr. Danch stated <br />that his client believes that this would be an amenity for this area of South Bend that <br />contains a mix of residential type land uses. <br />6 <br /> <br />