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�3�' I���.TING --- r�1ARCH 31, 19�'rl <br /> � � re�ular mee�in� of the Board of �ublic Sa:£ety t�as helcz on Iaionday, <br /> T,I�rch 31,, 1941 a-L- 11:00 t'� . T�i, All meir.bers ti�rere present . i:inu�es. of ,the <br /> mee�ing ��rere read and anproved. Claims o� t�ie followin; sunpliers in <br /> � th� amoun� of ti�'730.98 ytere approved and ordered paid. <br /> Arne�ican-LaFrance-roamite Corp.�,�612.50 l,tine Safety Applia�zces Co . �,60070 <br /> " " '� 11.25 ivorthern Ind. pub. �erv. 27.48 <br /> Business�, Inc. 2.38 Recrea�l;ion Equip. Co. 3.�0 <br /> Hur��Tich Iron Co. 16,00 " �� .70 <br /> Tndiana Bell 2'ele . �o. • .10 River Yark Lbr. Co. 15•43 <br /> n 2��5 rr �t 6.90 <br /> I. '�'�i. Loti•�er Co. ,8.90 SL . Jose��h Hospital 3.50 <br /> G. E. i�leyer w Son, Inc. 3.�9 Z`lestern Auto Supply Co . 6.30 <br /> POLTC� ��.`.'PARTI'..E1dT: Chie�' In;ram ti-ras pre�ent and mat-�er� pertainin; to <br /> h3�s depa r�Lz�ien-E ���ere di s cus sed. � <br /> Continuation certificates on borids rrere received for the follorn.n� ; <br /> Special Police : Vdilliam J. ��ici;Tanon, Herrnan ��. �ann:en� Jacob D. T,'�olfe, <br /> Jame�� Scott, Pran1r �. Szameck, John Au;ust iiOpp01� and John I. idort�irop. : <br /> Tnes� certifica�es ��rere approved and orde�ed filed. _ <br /> P�ir. rrederick Douglas Colrer i°Tas appoi.nted Dog Pound T,Zas'cer to re- <br /> place Ph�llip Jordan. <br /> r�rede-ri cl� i;. Coker filed a peti�tion for appointment as �pe cial <br /> Police. Tllis petit?on 1•ras approved by the Board, �i�ed by tne Chief <br /> of Police and T,Zr. Coker ti°ras sz�JOrn in. <br /> rIP�' D�PAnT�NT: On motion duly made and seconded and unanimously carried, <br /> -tne follotiTing resolut�on �•sas adopted, tha� Chief De�Jleeschoti•�er i� � <br /> hereay avthorized to advise Raymond R, Scheuer, 609 Lindse� �t . , and <br /> Clement F.. Jaroszetiask�_, 619 it•. Bi�sell ��. , to report for du��T as <br /> probationary r:iei:lbers of the Fire Departinent upon receipt of the phy- <br /> sician� � statement �hat they have passed the physical e�aminations, <br /> and after receivin; these report� and receivin� official ti�rord from � <br /> �L�:e riremen' s Pension Boa��d, �hat they have been accep�ed for bension, <br /> ELECTF,IC i.�LP�iRT1�,iEI�T : The contract bett�reen the u"Jestin�ouse Electric <br /> �: -I�Tf�. �o. , and tne City of South Bend,• for elec�tric li�h{; bu1b� t�ras <br /> re-ceived b;� tne Enard, approved and ordered iileci. ' <br /> l��'EIGHTS & Tr��1CU�S: i�r. Charles Burns, Sealer, presen�ed his ret�ort <br /> for the tivee�� ending :�:arch 29� 1941. <br /> Unon motion dul;� made, seconded and unanimously carried, the folloir- <br /> ir_� resolu-tion rras adop�ed, �;hat the Ci-�y oi Sou-th Bend and all of its ' <br /> departments �hall �equire a �rei�h� bill frora -�he scale rlaster o.f. �he <br /> cit;� scale , oi �he City of So���th Bend, as a condi�ion preceden-L- to the � <br /> accentance cf deliverg oi �nythin� purchased bf the City or an� o.i it� <br /> depar�r�ents by ti�rei�h�. <br /> The Clerli of the Board ti,ra s �hen direcied �o no�ify the head of ' <br /> each department of �he City, in trri-�ing,of tihe pas���e of the fore- • <br /> �oin� resolution. � � <br /> There cein; no further Uusine�s to corne before �he Board, the <br /> .. ._. _ . __. _ . _ . <br /> meetin� adjourned at 12:10 P . ;.�. : <br /> .. . ...�� e � <br /> �t���7��`�Gf.� <br /> Chair.r.un. � <br /> �_1':� i': <br /> \ <br /> � . ' <br /> C -. <br />