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133 <br /> Pv.EETIIIG -- FEBRUARY 17, 1941 <br /> A regular meeting of the Board of Fublic Safety �^ras held on �rlonday, ,I <br /> I "- Februar� 1'7, 1941, at 1:30 P. l�T. All members rrere present. P�linutes of <br />� the last �eeting ti��ere read and approved. Salury claims in the amount of <br /> �21,240.r4 tvere approved and ordered paid. Claims of tl�e following <br />; supplier: in the �,-nount of �771.06 ti^�ere approvect and ordered paid. � <br />! Frank S. �?r_dre�vs � 3.6� ��Zedical Specialties Co. ��13.93 <br /> Business Systems 3.35 Northern Ind. Pub. Serv. 1.48 <br /> �os. De'r';��.lde Hd��r. .14 River Park Lbr. Co. 31.39 <br /> �lectro `�oice Tr1f�. Co. 2.00 Schilling t s 3.60 <br /> " �� 10.80 <br /> �lkhart F>rass �"��If�. Co. 4•�� 57.37 <br /> �he Gibscn Co. 50.32 South Bend SupplSr Co. , <br /> Hof fman ?�ro s. 304.5E South Bend '�Jhls . Drug.Co. �1.40 <br /> J.I. Iiolc.omb I,iig. Co. 90.88 J. �'. �'Talz Gara�e, Inc. 180.00 <br /> The T;IcCa1'fery Co. . 11.31 _ <br /> PaLIC�' D�;P1'1.RTi��EPdT: Chief In�rari presented his report for the month of <br /> ,anuary, t^rhic report tras ordered filed. _ <br /> i.7r. H„ A. :�dhitrier, Sec 'y o�' the Police Pension fund reported that i <br /> the foll<��ving officers had been ad��itted to the Police Pension Fund � <br /> as of Fe1>ruary 3rd, 1941. Officers Frank Pinterics, �Lrthur Langel, j <br /> Carl F. ',Jaechter, Edward A. i�o`•rak and Louis R. Hunt. � <br /> � <br /> An ap��lication_'for appointm.ent to the Police Depart�ent Tr�as received , <br /> from Harc�ld Pn.illip Stroup, 1654 rd. Huey St. , aged 27 yrs. This I <br /> applicat::on ���as ordered filed. <br /> I <br /> On Fe��ruary 3rd, 1941, H. Ray ?'1all:er and Herbert R. Bertch appe�.red <br /> before tlle .Board to discuss the traffic situation on T�qishatitiTal:a Ave . , , <br /> as �rrell �s the �roblem of school children crossing lF2ishai�raka Ave. , in <br /> � going to and from school in River Par�. They presented a letter to the <br /> Loard, signed by various �roups. The Chief of Police was called into , <br /> the meeting and the letter turned over to hir�.. After discussing the <br /> matter, it �;,ras decided to hold another meeting of the various grcups , <br /> in River �ark, at vrhich the Chief or a meriber of the Po'lice Department , <br /> tivould be present. I,Ir. `;dal?�er or I�,Zr. Bertch vJere asked to make a report <br /> of this �neeting at the meeting of tYfe Board cn February lOth, 1941. <br /> Thru � misunderstanding, no representative of the River Parl� groups <br /> appeared at the Board meeting, but a �lezter z�ras received on Februar� <br /> 13ht, 1941 fro� Post 3, Veterans Leagus, signed by i�+ir. E. E. Strocr:, <br /> Ad�t. , asking that a representative of the Board of Public �Jorl�s 2sid <br /> Saiety be present at a meetin� to be held on Februar�T 13, 1941 at the <br /> Veterans ' Lea�ue Hall. I�,Zr. Dri��;s replied to this letter, advising <br /> him that inasr.luch as ��e haci heard nothing further from them, it would <br /> be impos sible for a riember of the Board to be present to give theri a , <br /> decision, as tn.e�� tnought the matter vras still bein� discussed. ! <br /> On rebruary 17th, 1941, a com��ittee, consisting of H. Ray l�'Jalk°r, '�, <br /> Lo s son � . Hunt, '�Jalt er �ishop, T�,trs . Ray J. Burgh and T,�rs. Chas. Parker <br /> appeared before the Boa'rd and bave a resume of the facts that car,ie out , <br /> at the meetin� of the various clubs on February 13th, 1941. After � � <br /> discussin�, the ma�ter, it �^aas the consensus oz" opinion thAt the only I <br /> solutior. vrould be an educational progr�, ti��ich should originate �. <br /> � �rithin the schools, and the Chief of Police, advised the River P�rk I <br /> delegation that he would be �lad to send an Officer to speak on Safet;� � <br /> anytime it �.°Tas requested by the schools. The Board advised the group <br /> theST ��rot.ld �et in touch ivith them t�ahen they had reAChed a decision as <br /> to the c�est ti�ray to handlethe assignment of Police , to the River 'rark <br /> � District . <br /> t FTRE DL�'AR'Ti:�ENT: Chief DeVleeschotiler �vas rresent and r:�atters pertainin� <br /> to his c.epartment ��Jere discussed. . . <br /> i <br /> .'�';tEIGHTS & Tr�ASU�ES: t�Ir. Chas. J. Burns, Seuler, filed his report for <br /> . the tireel: ending February 15, 1941. . �I <br /> _ TherE; being no further �usiness to co::1e before the Board, the meet- <br /> < <br /> . ing ad j c�urned at 3:00 P. PrI. <br /> . ATm.� : - — <br /> O . Chairr:lan. I <br /> � ° ' � I <br /> � _ _ Cle . . <br /> ' ' �� <br /> ,� � � � <br /> ��,; ' <br /> I <br />