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� <br /> I � <br /> � � 2 <br /> � <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> rIRE DEPART?:TE?v�': ihe Enjineerin� Dep��rtment �resented zo the Boar•d, � <br /> tabulations oi tlze v�rious bids received on the 1250 �,al?on �u.�per <br /> j for the iir� Department, ti�rhich tabulazicns have i�een ins�ected by <br /> ! �he Boarci and the proposal of Pete-r Pirsch �� Sons a.nd �''ne General <br /> � Fire Truck Corporation are nereb� rejec�ed for the reason �ha� t'r_eir <br /> I r�roposals sho�.�r th�.t tl�e�r cio not eor:inl,y ti-�ith �L'ne �pecil'ic�t-ions of <br /> � �his �o��u. . <br /> I <br /> i . . , <br /> . It z�as �-��oved, seconciecl and unanimousl�� passed �hat the 3oard <br /> j acce�t t'ne altern�.zive bid of the 1Lnei�ican La�'rance-i�oam.ite Corpora- <br /> j tion ior a 1250 .�allon pur?�er at �he rrice of ;;�13,062.50, less - . <br /> � ��662.25 to �e deducted from �he above bid °or the eGUipr:lent to be <br /> furnished b�r tlie Cit�- of South Bend, ti�rhic=� is the lorres� and best <br /> � �aid sub�itted under our specifications and �,rnich ed1L11?'!�:lent ��s recor.�lend- � <br /> ' ed b� �he Fire �lhief. Ti�is a.�:-ard is r:iade subject to the approval � <br /> I o 1 t h e C om�.1 o n C o un c i 1. e�—s�t�-�ee-� �-���—s�•�T.���_:�e-�re-���e�rg J- ` j <br /> � i � �- +. i-L.r. ,,.�.,,, ..�. 1 � <br /> a._�,�.r'"'�-:="-n-=�- . l."�. �. _ �.. ". f! <br /> li Chiei DeVleescho�ler presen��ed letters received irarl T;ais� %�llerr�: �� . <br /> � In�leri�ht, Director oi' :,le:ment<<ry Education; n. G. '.7ri�,h�, �` , <br /> ; Principal and �'c�T:,ard S�ith, Superintenclent of Buildin�;s and Grounds -- <br /> i o_' the Soi�th Bend Sc'r?ool Ci�y, all ex�re�sinr aprreciation ior the <br /> ; r.�G.nner in ti•r'���ich �he Fire De��rtr.�ent '_��ndled �;'_ze fire a� tlie �_ale�� <br /> � School on February 22nd. Chief De�?leeschotirer :°r�s instructed to <br /> i ac?�nocrleuce t11e co?:�rients and e:�te�cl �he ap�reciation of �ne Cit;; <br /> � for the s�*ne. <br /> i It ��as >>toved, :�econded ana unanir::ously carried that the <br /> certified c'�ec'_:s acco:��anin� bicis on the fire ap�a_r�tus be z�eturn- <br /> � ed to �he bic�c�crs. <br /> PCLICE D�P^��Z�:,,Ei;T: Tize Cl�rk :�as instructed to no�ify �he ati,orr_e�rs <br /> � r or :�,ir. P�cze�r.;�, r.�.e^�ber of the Police Depart::�en�, -�rho has been <br /> suspe�zded ar.d iU a�,:raitin� trail, to ap�ear beior� t;he Boarcz ne�i� <br /> ; for fi-r_al disposition of �zis case. <br /> �' Sn a�plicai,ion for ��ositi.on �°rith �lie P�lice Depar�:le?7� �ia� <br /> rece�ced iror.l Joseph Ale<r 'lorv�:�h, 1'c'2� S. i�enci2.11 S�. Tne an�li- <br /> c��icn shoti•rs he is n::� a 1li��i schcol �raduCt,e. �he cler'_� is in- <br /> struc�L�d to in`orz:� t�im :�y leZter �hu� unless �'r.e can Si101'J euucation- <br /> al at;ta��n�ents other i:han �hose 1-�s�c:d �n i�is «pplica;;ion, i�is <br /> � apnl�ca�ior_ is rejec�e�z. <br /> � � zt �'1``'-1.S �.J821Z Ct@C?C1.PC�. !)Tj" �T.i�l° �'iQU'i't",S Oi L�.ST, ii�=�.5'OI'G� :LI1 1�11@ S�2L2 <br /> � oF �n��i�.na, �ha� r�onds in no -.�ay l rotcct po7_ice. The Cit,y is not <br /> � resr,onsible for �n4; tort cor��:�i�ted b�r �u�� police o�licer in �he <br /> � o'�servance of their duties, ior �cn.e reuson �hat the palice are <br /> «c�inJ in a =;overn7:iental c�.b�city, �here:fore, � �:�otion ;�;�ade, <br /> ! �econcied �nd unaniriousl�r c�rried that no boncis �:�rill ;�e carried on <br /> ; nolice officers in �he ru�ure. . <br /> � �`' The Cl�rl: oi ��ne �o�i�ci is hereby instructecl to cnar�e �'�10.00 <br /> � e�ch, unless o�,rise ins�ruct�d �ay �he Loard, for all specifica- <br /> tions for contr�_cts .•rith t�_zis Board, ta�,�en irom the cflice, ?srhich <br /> � � �one� ti-di11. be retunded upon �he i,eturn cf the specifica�ions. �� <br /> i � �' J. �. ;'��alz G�ra;e, Inc. i'iled insure.nce bond ��rith the London � ` <br /> � � �� Lancashire I�surar.ce, L�:c�. in i,he �unount oi ��5000.00 covering ' <br /> ' � Ga.ra�e I;eepers Li�.bili��, ���ich bond is no.0 approved. �. <br /> C'�arles +�%�n Dusen, Srecial Folice iiled a bond ;rith �ne ?:�21°;r- _ <br /> � la.nd C asualt�r Co. �or �;1000.40 �.�'_,i ch bond i s no��r up�roved. � <br /> ` continuation certificate ior i�ond ior S�ecial rolice L'. S�er:�lan <br /> ' Ellison, �.�.it�z the i�artiTland CzsualtJ .Co. �r�s f:iled, r�:�ich aond is � <br /> ` no�°r approved. , <br /> - ELEC�'RIC DLPrPTf�J�?T: T;s. �ualls �ras ,�resent and ma�Gte��s �ertain�n`, <br /> � to �Zis de��art�nent ;rere discu�;sed. It �ras decided t'_zat; no decision <br /> i - tiTOUld be r�l�.de on netir street �i�hts un�il the Board nad �.n o?�portuni- <br /> ; � ty to acco-rnpan�r �;'r. �ualls on a tour o� ins�ection �o aecide �us�; • <br /> � �:ri.ere 1iL2ts ,�rere r..ost ur"entlLr needed. <br /> ' :'d�ICTIiTS °� i��:!SU?��5: �:Rr. ?3urns �resen�ed �iis re�ort i'or �he .•reel: <br /> � en ln�; 'r'ebruary �, l�J�0. , _ , � <br /> ° lrlere bein� n� iurt��er i�usines�s to ca.Me beiore t��e �o�rd, thz <br /> r � <br /> i <br /> I <br /> _� ; <br />