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Tieetin�--November 13, 1939, continued rj1 <br /> I <br /> l'Jhereas, tnere is no�� in existence a radio station 1�oym as �';PGPd, I <br /> the Soutn 3end and �;Zisha.•ra':a police radio, tir:zich is located in the <br /> C�ty o.i South Bend, State of Indiana, and is used bg the police of <br /> the first party and second party for all necessary police radio cal ls ; <br /> rdoc��, tnerefore, be it zgreed �tis i olloyJS : <br /> 1. That tlie iirst partv does nereby a;ree to l:eep said radio <br /> station in good running order and in ;ooa repair at all times and to <br /> furnish all �en necessar� to o�erate said radio station. <br /> 2. First party further a�rees to ierr:iit a direct line to be <br /> connected bet�rreen the police departr�ent of the second p�rt;r ana said <br /> radio station so that calls c� be made frcm the polic� s�ation of <br /> the seccnd party directly into the sending apparatus of said radio <br /> station. <br /> '� 3. Both parties hereto do agree t o cooperate at all times in the <br /> ' dispatching of inessages over saiu radio statian. <br /> 4. For all t_zi.n;s to be dcne 'oy said first part� as contained in <br /> the preceding para�raphs hereto, second party does agree to pay to the <br /> first part� tize sum of Seventy F'ive Dollars ( ;;�75.00) per month beginnig <br /> January 1, 1940, ti°rhich payinent is to be in iull for all expenses in <br /> c:onnection ;rrith the operation of said radio station. Said pay�ents <br /> . to be made on the 15th day of each month. <br /> 5. This �greement and contract is to be in full force and effect <br /> fcr a per�oc� of 1 year, tnat is, frcm the first day of January, 1940 <br /> to the t:zirt� first day of Decer�ber, 1���0. <br /> In ti^ritness vrhereof tive have hereunte set our hands and seals t����s <br /> 13th day cf i�Tovember, 1939. <br /> THE BGARD L�F i UBL�C ��d�R��S I�ND S�`,l'E`�'Y <br /> GF THE CIVIL CITY Or THE CITY GF�' SGLTh ' <br /> BE��?D, IidDIA11"I1� <br /> Clyde �. :�Jilliams ( signed) <br /> Gecrge T3. Ber�ner (� si�ned) <br /> �`�ttest: HarrJ S. Dri�gs ( signed) <br /> Jarnes �.'. ConboSr ( signed) First Party <br /> Clerk oi the Board <br /> THE BGARD OF rURLIC �.'dGRKS AND SAFETY <br /> OF TY��, C IVIL C I'I'Y GF THE C ITY GF <br /> T�ZISriA�°JA�A1 INDIAI`TA. <br /> Carl J. Castleman (Csigned) <br /> E. Spencer `s�daltcn ( si�ned) <br /> Fr�nk J. T�Filler ( signed) <br /> Second Yart3r <br /> Attest: <br /> Josephine C anfield ( signed) <br /> - Cit� Clerk <br /> ELECTRIGAL DEPARTt:�rtiT: I::r. �ualls ti�as present and zalatters pertaining to <br /> his denartment rJere discussed. <br /> �'�EIGHTS :r I:�EE�SU�ES: �ir. �3urns filed his rel�ort 1 o�•rin� a total of 211 <br /> inspections made durin� the vree�� ending T�ovemb 1 , 1939. <br /> TYZeeting adjourned at 3:30 P.I;':. <br /> � <br /> CHAIRiFAI`T <br /> ATTr ' • <br /> ,x-� � (� <br /> c .� �� <br />�-- - - � <br />