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�� �� �ETING--OCTOBER 16, 1939 <br /> � Re�;ular meeting of the Board of P�blic Safet� was held on T��IRnday, <br /> actober 16, 1939, at 1:15 P.rr7. All members were present. T:iinu�es of <br /> the previous meetin� �vere read and approved. Claims of the follording <br /> suppliers in the total amount of �650.75 �vere approved and ordered paid: <br /> Air Radio �3.50 American-LaFrance-�oamite Corp.�2.58:. <br /> Charles DeVleescho�ver 83.84 Elkhart Brass T�if�. Co. 75.00 <br /> Dr. H. H. Slominski 4.00 Indiana & Z;:ichi�an Elec. Co. 26.38 <br /> ir ri �r n 12.00 n rr �t n t' 47.99 <br /> t' r' " 't 5.00 TdTcCaffery Cor:ipany 1.53 <br /> Radio Distributing Co. 18.70 tr rr 4.18 <br /> Nattl. Fire ProtEC�ion �ssn. 10. 40 No. Ind. PublicService Co. 29.10 <br /> River Park Lbr. Co. Inc. 6.14 Scherr:ian Schaus Freeman Co. .88 <br /> South Bend Supply Co. 78.70 Office SuPply & Equip. Co. 15.�5 <br /> Sener:nan Schaus Free�an Co. 15.43 National Brake Service Inc. 18. 60 . <br /> American LaFrance Foa�mite Co. 15.15 E. R. I�le:�rland Co. 3.33 <br /> Tr�eCaffery Co�npany 23.62 John B. Haberle 7.53 1- <br /> The Ohio Che�.ical � �:zfg.Co. 9.23 So.Bend �'dh�lesale Dru.g Co. 5.10 , <br /> The Ohio ail Co. 54.08 Shell Ar.ierican Petroleu� Co. 51.83 ' <br /> Business Syste�s, Inc. 1.28 bFleisberger Bros. 20.35 <br /> � ' <br /> FIRE D�PART�."�NT: Chief DeVleescho��er Zq&8 present and matters pertr�ining <br /> to his depart�ent v�rere discussed. . <br /> � After considerable discussion, it �ras determined by the Board to <br /> allow Curtis Turnock �125.00 to�qard his expenses for an operation, inas- <br /> much as he desired to procurehis oi�n physician and not use the o�m <br /> furnished by the Departr,zent. <br /> ✓ <br /> PQI:ICE DEP?RTl`r�II�T: CYnef Ingr� was present and matters pertain.;.ng to ; <br /> his dei�ar *nent �vere discussed: <br /> ✓ ' <br /> A was received from Ho��ard `�Jilsey relative to the a'leged ' <br /> fai.lure of the Police Depar�;�ent to investigate a burglary at his drug <br /> store on South �::ichigan Street and �ras referred to the Chief for inves- <br /> tigation and report. <br /> ✓ <br /> A letter from L. H. Essex regarding Police Pension rund regulations <br /> which was referred to this Board was returned to the City Cler� for <br /> filing. ', <br /> ✓ <br /> �i�TEIG�iTS �, I,IEASURES: Charles Burns r�ras present �nd ma�ters pertaining ' <br /> to his department vrere discussed. l�::r. Burns presented his report for ' <br /> the ti�reel� ending Qctober 14, 1939, s�ov�ing a total of 222 inspections <br /> r�.ade. <br /> v <br /> PQLICE DEFARTi�;iED1T : An application �ras recaived and ordered placed on <br /> file fror.s: <br /> f Theolo Harr� Richardson Age 2B 21� . Yagin Street. <br /> lr?eeting adjourned a� 3:00 P.I�i, � <br /> C H2.IRi,IAN � <br /> AT T: <br /> � 3 � <br /> CLERi� <br /> , <br /> � I <br /> � <br />