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. , , <br /> 1'7 <br /> P�;�EIING--JULY 31, 1939 <br /> Re�i.lar meetina of the I3oard of PublicSai ety `vas held �n i�.ionday, <br /> Ju15 31, 1939, at 1:30 P.r,.. All me��bers vrere present. I��inutes of the <br /> previou� meeting ivere read and approved. Claims of the follo��ving sup- <br /> pliers �.n the amount of :;�1,439.97 ti�rere approved and ordered f iled <br /> �`Jestern Union Tele�rap�i. Co. �� 1.92 Ohio Oil Cor�pany �430.30 <br /> The T��cC�_ffery Co�pany 3.74 Radio Distributin� Co. 6.95 <br /> n rr rr 1.15 G. E. T,Ieyer €c Son,Inc. 4.53 <br /> �r �r tt 8�70 ir n +t i� n �r 4. 64 <br /> �t 1� rr ��12 rr rr a rr rr �r 2.26 <br /> �r ►r ir 3.06 OifiCe Supply & Equip.Co. 9.30 <br /> �r rr �� 2.31 Indiana Bell Telephone Co. 5.65 <br /> Stranson Service Co. 2.50 Frank S. Andre��rs 12.00 <br /> 5.�3. Cux�rent Con�roller Co. 6.86 " " �� 3.70 <br /> ! ?,icClave Printing Co. 9.00 �r rr �: 2.00 <br /> Sast1 Bez':it2n 469.44 tr �r t� 9.20 <br /> i South BEnd Suppl� Co:�pany 1.00 T�Iirror Press, Inc. 6.45 <br /> � ' �i �r rr tt ,50 J.E. ;7alz Gara�e, I�1�. 22.45 <br /> ' tt tr cr tr 2�29 tr rr rr �r rr 7.37 <br /> River P�.rl� Lbr. Co. Inc. 22.78 Peterson Bat�er� � Ign.Co. 2.55 <br /> Dr. Thec dor. Just. 10.00 « +r n n a 1.00 <br /> Good;�ear� Service 127.93 " " " " '� 3.64 <br /> T�:at �1 Lrake Service, Inc. 18.60 'r n �r ►r n 1.2� <br /> C i ty t7at er ��"lorks ' ,38 �r rr �r rr tr �75 <br /> ��lestern Union Tele�raph Co. 4.21 Business S�, Inc. 10.91 <br /> The Gib� cn CompanST 25. 46 Ch�.mberlinBassett Res.Corp. 63.91 <br /> Schermar. Schaus Freeman Co. 5.31 A.�ner.Automatic Elec.SalesCo. 2.72 <br /> rr rr n sr g,04 Schillingts 9.66 <br /> Shell A.r�er.Petrolevm Co. 62.05 " 2. 50 <br /> So.Bend ;'deldin� °c Boiler Rep. 1.50 '�"lhite S��ran Laundry 5.70 <br /> S�ranson Service Co. 5.97 <br /> ✓ <br /> FIRE DEi'�RTi�,ir.I1T: Chief DeVleeschozver was present and matters pertainir_� <br /> to his c.epartment yrere discussed. Chief DeVleeschotirt�er reported t'nat <br /> S�e�hen J. Heg�e had successfully completed his probationary period and <br /> his appc�intment is �ade per:nanent ,.nd he is here'ay pro�oted to the ran'i <br /> of first class fireman. <br /> � Dr.. Slor.linsl:i, tne police and fire physician, having re�,orted that <br /> Cax�l Lec.erer had successfully passed the ph�Tsical examination for ap�o;nt- <br /> r:ient to the rire Department and Dr. Sensenich, the riremen� s rension�d <br /> e�arn.iner� having reported that he nad successfull�� nassed the e�amina�ion <br /> reauirec. b�r ti�e Firemen�s rens-�onr�'und, I,ir. Lederer t s appointment as a <br /> � brobatic�nar� =irem�n is nozv ccnfirmed, .to becor��e effective Au;ust l, 1939. <br /> � App�.ications ��ere received from the follovJin� men and t�ere ordered <br /> placed cn file: <br /> °Rol�nd C. K�.�eps �e 30 510 E. Indiana Ave. <br /> �`Edvr�.rd Turnock " 25 738 George Ave. <br /> ✓Cnaz�les A. Schrnid� " 28 1708 S. Y�ush St. <br /> �Henry Pilars1:i " 30 1145 i1. Olive St. <br /> r <br /> 'd�JEIGIiTS &, I,iE�S��ES: i:'Ir. �urns was present and iiled 'nis report for the <br /> c�reek Jul� 29, 1939, shoti�in� a total of 174 inspections r:iade. <br /> � P4LIC� I�EPART".�TyT: Chief In�ra;n �ra� rrL�ent and rlatters pertainin� to his <br /> ' depar�r.mEnt yTere diacussed. Chief In�ral�"reques�ed perin.ission i�o send <br /> Officer Butz to Ann Arbor for a t:10 ti�eel:s t training course in �raffic. <br /> Permi ss9.on �ras granted. <br /> AppJ.ications for positions on tne police department ti-rere received from <br /> the fol7.oi^ling men and �rrere ordered placed on i ile : <br /> ✓Pau�. K. r�lsterfeld Age 27 814 I+Iarietta St. <br /> �Jos�ph Sigety " 30 1808 S. iiendall St. <br /> ✓P�u�. Iioodtvard " 22 622 S. Iia.z'?'is St. <br /> �Ric�.ard A. Le,es " 22 1235 E. �:Tadison St. <br /> ��err.ard Eubene Horn " 22 218 E. Dayton S�. <br /> ✓PetE r po:�ms 't 25 111 'r�T. Bovm�an St. <br /> ✓Chaz�les i�. Hosey rr 2g 1017 S. " h St. <br /> I�Ieetin� adjourned at �:30 F,=;I. <br /> C l3A 1�?::AI•� <br /> AT�'.r,8�': ' <br /> -° �� ��3--.�'''��.�'j�3LERK <br /> ---� _ � <br /> - . --- -- __��7"_ _ - - <br /> I � � <br />