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i- . �,,���� <br /> I <br />; , . . <br /> i <br /> � REGUI�IIR I;�ETING <br /> JULY 18, 1932. _ � <br /> Re�ular meetin� held b,y Boe rd. of Public Safety I;iondag, JuIY 18th . , ( <br /> 1932 . <br /> . _ , <br /> • i <br /> , T:�ieetin� called to order at 9-30 A_. T�7. Those in attendan.ce vr�re : �i <br /> C. A. Eudd , V. <T. Gada cz, �`�m. �i. Trost Jr. ! <br /> P��inutes of last re�ular meeting read anc approved. ��' <br /> POLICE DEP�Tr,�r3T <br /> � �or.:anittee re�?resent in� the Polish American Cen�ral Civic Associa- <br /> ti��n appeared before the Board. T'�ir. Anthony I3ucholtz, rr�mber of t�e <br /> Co;nmit tee , requeste d ta �rnot� wh,y ord inance No.966 re�ulatin� sp�eed <br /> ` of tra ins v�rithin tI1e ci�y limits v�as not enforced by the Police� <br /> De��artment. After discussion, Pr�r. Budd exp7�ined that it �ras the <br /> B�� rdts intention to �f�ce said ardin�nce �nd_ delay v���as rr�de <br /> . thr ou�h a mi sund e rst�n d ing. �it y �tt arney, T��:r. Clement s, e�pl�ined <br /> to the 1�oard t�nd also to the Corrnni:ttee , that formal notification <br /> to the Railroad �oml�nies relative to our enfctrcement ti�as not � <br /> ne�,essary and tha t any polic e off� cer or individu�l. cart fi le a ff idav- <br /> i t against the Rai lroad Company upon proof o f violati on. The E�oard <br /> thEsn instructed Assistant Chief �Ia.rr�ilton to enforce the above mention <br /> ed 'ordinanc e .iffine d ia tely. <br /> Cap�tain J. J. Hatt informed tl�e Board in v�ritin� that our r,-,embership <br /> in the Nati onal Safety Council can be dispensed v�rith at this time. <br /> , �n motiQn of I'��ir. Gadacz , seoonded by I,:r. Trost and unanimously <br /> ca7�ried, Axel Tholander v�as reinstated to the Polic e De�rtment <br /> , ef�'e cti ve July 16th. , 1932 . <br /> F1��F D�PARTP:!iNT ', <br /> Ch__ef �rnoblock v�as absent from the meeting. I <br /> Up<�n motion of T�ir. Gadacz, seconded �y �=�r. Trost and unanimously ' <br /> caz ried, the Pol�r I�e and I�'uel Company �as avrarded the coal eontract I <br /> as i'o 11�r s: <br /> ��0 tons(more or less) Fourth Vein, I�iana, 6 x 3 Bi� Spz�in�s �I, <br /> I'��ine C� �3.95 per t on. <br /> LL•I;CTRIC�L DEPARTP:'�NT <br /> P:'_r. 2ualls requ est for leave o f absence to attend the Intern�.t ional <br /> As:ociation of P�.�unicipal Llectricia_ns Convention f'rom Sept�nber <br /> 12t h. , to 17th. , vras unanimous l,y granted by the l3oa rd , i <br /> � <br /> Z'JEIGfiTS Q.NI� I.�ASURES PEPARTP.�;NT i <br /> '�`�eekl,y report of City Se�ler, Ch�rles J. Burns, v��as examined �nd <br /> - • ordered placed on file . <br /> - - D OG FDUND DEPARTP;:�TT <br /> I�i. Baranzj, Clerk , reporte d th a t 470 dog; licenses �rere issued to da te. <br /> The 13oard extended the time fror� July 15th . , to Julv 25th. , for <br /> impoundin� do�:s tvithout 193 � do� licenses. <br /> i � <br />