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03-13-2007 $40 million Kroc center will shine as ‘a beacon of hope’
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03-13-2007 $40 million Kroc center will shine as ‘a beacon of hope’
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than originally anticipated. The result is that for each $1 contributed by a South Bend <br /> area resident, $5 is invested in the community. <br /> "We are up to the challenge. One can already feel the energy building," Luecke said. <br /> "With our great leadership team, the generosity of this community, and the Kroc Center's <br /> appeal to regional—and even national—foundations, we will meet our goal." <br /> The fund-raising effort is being guided by Father Theodore Hesburgh, honorary chair, <br /> with former Indiana Gov. Joe Keman and former Mayor Bob Beutter of Mishawaka <br /> serving as co-chairs. To date, about $1.7 million in pledges have been secured. The <br /> process is expected to take 18 months. Construction will begin in early spring 2008. The <br /> facility will open in late fall 2009. <br /> "I look forward to the groundbreaking and opening day for the Ray and Joan Kroc Corps <br /> Community Center at Alonzo Watson Park," Luecke said. "Mrs. Kroc's inspirational gift <br /> is planting seeds that will bring bountiful harvests. The Kroc Center will be a beacon of <br /> hope for our community." <br /> The City of South Bend has been a key partner in the initiative, contributing the 8.5-acre <br /> Alonzo Watson Park at the southwest corner of Western Avenue and Chapin Street and <br /> an additional acre, together worth an estimated $237,500. <br /> "There's a lot to celebrate," said Jeff Gibney, the city's director of community and <br /> economic development. "The development of this site is the culmination of a 15-year <br /> private-public partnership along the Western-Chapin corridor with a shopping center, a <br /> health clinic and the new Studebaker National Museum at the museum campus." <br /> -30- <br />
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