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$1,000,000 FOR COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTS Page 1 of 7 <br /> Buildln <br /> • St <br /> Ffis <br /> RELEASE FROM: F( <br /> Office of Mayor Luecke <br /> $1,000,000 FOR COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTS <br /> Mayor Stephen J. Luecke joined with Common Council Members, Charlotte Pfeifer, Derek Di <br /> representatives of the City's five Commercial Corridors this afternoon to outline a $1,000,000 in <br /> Mayor's Commercial Corridor Initiative now in its seventh year. Representatives of the City's five <br /> provided an update of recent accomplishments and an outline for the coming year at STUDIO 81 <br /> originally a muffler and brake repair shop that is now being adaptively reused as a new art studio and c <br /> Heritage Foundation. <br /> Renovation of the former repair shop, known as Smitty's, was a key part of the Lincolnway We <br /> Although a portion of the building was demolished, the majority of it was preserved and rehabilitated i <br /> concept financed by a combination of public and private funding totaling $425,000. A portion of the <br /> Lincoln Way West Commercial Corridor Fagade Matching Grant Program. Once complete, Studio 815 <br /> addition to the Colfax Campus, offering space for fine arts and classrooms. <br /> Mayor Luecke commented that he is proud to announce another $1 million dollar corri( <br /> $5,750,000 has been allocated for commercial corridor projects that include a range of activities th, <br /> function of these vital business districts. He explained that confidence in the corridor program is great <br /> Council continue to be impressed by the work of the Corridor Groups. "Together we have built a cultu <br /> our entryways into the City. The projects and programs continue to stimulate private resources and inve <br /> Corridor program is an excellent example of how public involvement and planning can overcome cl <br /> Luecke. <br /> The Mayor outlined the overall corridor approach for 2005. He emphasized three key points: <br /> 1. Building Alliances and Partnerships <br /> Since the inception of the corridor program each group has worked closely with the Ci <br /> partners to accomplish their plans for development, public safety and promotion. The <br /> such as the Urban Enterprise Association, South Bend Heritage Foundation, the Near T <br /> and various City departments is vital to maintaining the positive momentum. The <br /> partnering will remain a key aspect to the program. <br /> 2.Public Relations and Marketing Continues <br /> All of the corridor groups are expanding their efforts to increase the participatio <br /> Each group is also working hard to market their corridor as an attractive place to do <br /> being used effectively to feature key assets and to give each corridor a unique identity. <br /> 2005/040505 CommercialCorridors.htm 1/13/2006 <br />