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REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 14, 2011 <br /> changes to the current taxicab regulations, along with setting forth reasons for each <br /> proposal. The City Administration will be asked to update the Health and Public Safety <br /> Committee on this topic at a 30 minute meeting to be called for Monday, February 28, <br /> 2011. There would not be open discussion on the proposal, with this session focusing on <br /> hearing the purposes and reasons for each of the proposed changes. Councilmember <br /> White stated that the Quality of Life Ordinances Progress and that a chart had been <br /> prepared by the Council Attorney in the past which summarized data on several quality of <br /> life ordinances. Following discussion, the following recommendation was made that the <br /> Council Attorney would be asked to update the chart on the quality of life ordinances. <br /> Upon review of the same by the Committee, the Committee would make <br /> recommendations for ordinances which should be repealed or amended. Councilmember <br /> White stated that the next topic Graffiti has been an issue that Councilmember Oliver <br /> Davis has been working on. She stated that initiatives like this should be made known to <br /> the Chairperson of the Committee before being implemented. Based on comments from <br /> Councilmember Henry Davis, Councilmember White, Rouse and Dieter it was apparent <br /> that much more comprehensive approach to addressing graffiti is needed. It was noted <br /> that the police department no longer has a gang unit, and that much of the graffiti appears <br /> to be gang related. Jeff Young has voluntarily removed graffiti at his own expense. It <br /> was suggested that the City Administration be invited to a Committee meeting to outline <br /> how the city cleans-up graffiti (which must be done on a timely basis); and also <br /> summarize how the City enforces graffiti regulations, including the judicial process they <br /> are utilizing. Councilmember White stated that the next topic was illegal dumping. She <br /> stated that illegal dumping is a city-wide issue. Councilmember Henry Davis suggested <br /> that"hot problem areas" should be addressed. Council President Dieter stated that a plan <br /> to address illegal dumping should be presented by the Administration to the committee. <br /> It was suggested that the Department of Code Enforcement would be invited to a meeting <br /> of the Health and Public Safety Committee to hear their vision, plan, and accountability <br /> of enforcement addressing illegal dumping. Data from 2010 year on this topic should be <br /> summarized by Code which addresses among other things manpower, costs to the city, <br /> and costs paid by violators. Councilmember White noted that the first report from the <br /> Legal Department was received last week which summarized Code violation fines paid in <br /> their department. The reporting is a result of the recent ordinance passed by the Common <br /> Council requiring monthly reports. Once more reports are filed, the committee will <br /> formally review the data. Councilmember White noted that too often information which <br /> is requested from the City Administration is ignored or not timely filed with the <br /> requesting Council Member or Committee. She stated that several Councilmember's <br /> voiced concern about the need to improve communication among themselves and also <br /> with the City Administration. It was suggested that the City Clerk would be asked to <br /> develop a tracking mechanism on all information requests made by the Council and/or <br /> individual Councilmember by date of request and summary of request. Responses from <br /> the City Administration would then be given at the next Common Council meeting. <br /> Councilmember White noted that additional topics for the Committee to consider are cost <br /> recovery fee ordinance for the South Bend Fire Department. Updating the local massage <br /> parlor licensing regulations in light of state law. Drafting licensing regulations for mini- <br /> marts at the request of Council Member Henry Davis, Jr. who noted that he had had <br /> discussions with the City Administration on this topic last year. Councilmember White <br /> stated that it will be a busy year for the Health and Public Safety Committee. <br /> PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR <br /> There was no one present wishing to address the Council at this time. <br /> 15 <br />