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REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 10, 2011 <br /> those areas and help to those people in need. Councilmember Kirsits stated that this is <br /> just the start to help solve a problem. He noted that it is not going to cure all the <br /> problems. <br /> Councilmember Henry Davis stated that he is not looking for a cure and because we are <br /> human beings and we are not going to be 100 percent correct on this. He stated that he <br /> would have to put something into effect like this and then we are going to be citing <br /> people in areas that are in these vacant areas. Perfect example, Muessel School, Allen <br /> Street, Blaine Street, Meade, Cleveland and could go on for days, Sancome Street, all 2"d <br /> District, a lot of vacant and abandoned homes and lots over there, yet people still live in <br /> those areas, how are we going to manage these areas because we don't know and this <br /> makes it hard to vote for something like this when we don't know. He stated that he is <br /> not kicking against it, he would like to work with the sponsor's of the bill on it, but he <br /> can't vote for it if he doesn't know something about it. It's difficult. <br /> Catherine Toppel stated that they addressed that know, they cite those properties. She <br /> stated that they have gone out every major snow and cleared those sidewalks and billed <br /> the residents. She reiterated that they have done that in those high traffic areas. <br /> Councilmember Henry Davis stated that those areas are not high traffic but they are <br /> residential. <br /> Catherine Topped advised that this bill gives them another tool to work with. She stated <br /> that this bill is not saying that they are going out and citing every vacant or abandoned lot <br /> or home or site everyone in the City; she does not have that ability. <br /> Councilmember Henry Davis stated that Code does have that ability with the ordinance <br /> that is on the books. <br /> Catherine Toppel stated that she does not have the ability by staff <br /> Councilmember Henry Davis stated that Ms. Toppel stated earlier that she has the ability <br /> to fine $15.00 from what is currently on the books in addition to this ordinance to do this <br /> particular job. <br /> Kathy Cekanski-Farrand stated that what this ordinance does is close a legal loop hole <br /> that they discovered when they were beginning to research this back last spring through <br /> Councilmember White's Health and Public Safety Committee. The $15.00 is listed in the <br /> ordinance violation listing of all the fines that can be presented. However, when you go <br /> to the actual body of the ordinance with regard to requirements for snow removal it is not <br /> listed there. This plugs that hole so that it is consistent. With regard to the hardship <br /> situations all this ordinance is trying to do is to create a safety net which is not there now <br /> for any senior citizen or anyone with a disability at all. She stated that they are trying to <br /> work and make it a win/win by creating that safety net for those individuals. <br /> Councilmember Henry Davis, Jr. stated that he still has his concerns and get off his soap <br /> box, but he really has some concerns about the amount of vacant homes that are in the <br /> City of South Bend and also getting out these waivers or forms out to those who need <br /> them is probably the same people stuck in their homes that need their driveway shoveled <br /> that would need them, so it's kind of like how do you transfer the paper over to them so <br /> they can fill it out and get it back down town. But he digresses. <br /> Councilmember Kirsits explained that currently they have nothing in place to help those <br /> who need help. <br /> Councilmember Henry Davis asked if there is someway they could start this in the <br /> summer versus right now. <br /> Councilmember Kirsits stated that he would suggest starting it right now because there is <br /> snow. <br /> 8 <br />