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REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 10, 2011 <br /> BILL NO. 89-10 PUBLIC HEARING ON A BILL OF THE <br /> COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br /> BEND, INDIANA, AMENDING VARIOUS <br /> SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 1 OF <br /> THE SOUTH BEND MUNICIPAL CODE <br /> ENTITLED STREETS AND SIDEWALKS <br /> REQUIRING THE REMOVAL OF SNOW AND <br /> ICE AND AMENDING SECTION 2-213 <br /> ENTITLED SCHEDULE OF ORDINANCE AND <br /> CODE VIOLATIONS <br /> Councilmember Dieter made a motion to hear the substitute version of this bill. <br /> Councilmember White seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) <br /> ayes. <br /> Councilmember White, Chairperson, Health and Public Safety Committee advised that <br /> this committee met jointly with the Community Relations Committee on this bill and <br /> sends it to the full Council with no recommendation. <br /> Councilmember Puzzello, Vice-Chairperson, Health and Public Safety Committee, <br /> Councilmember LaFountain, Chairperson, Personnel and Finance Committee and <br /> Councilmember Kirsits, Chairperson, Community/Campus Advisory Coalition made the <br /> presentation for this bill. <br /> Councilmember Puzzello stated that she has been concerned for quite some time now <br /> about children walking in the street to get to school. She noted in particular, when <br /> children are forced to walk down Eddy Street to get to Perley School when snow fall has <br /> covered the sidewalks making it impossible for them to walk. She stated that there has <br /> been an ordinance in the South Bend Municipal Code book requiring that snow be <br /> removed from the sidewalks within a 24 hour period, however, the ordinance does not <br /> have much enforceability and this is why we are here today. Councilmember Puzzello <br /> advised that they have received recommendation from the City Administration which <br /> would further strengthen and improve our proposed snow and ice removal regulations <br /> filed on November 7, 2010. She noted that in Sec. 18-7 strikes paragraph(b) regarding <br /> sand and/or salt and re-letters (c)to (b); Sec. 18-8 adds to the limited exceptions <br /> individuals who provide written verification of disability issued by the Social Security <br /> Administration or the State Medicaid Eligibility office; Sec. 18-12 changes Board of <br /> Public Works to Board of Public Safety adds that the ordinance citation shall be issued <br /> "to either the property owner or occupant"; Sec. 2-213 clarifies that the report is a <br /> statistical compilation with additional date being provided whenever possible by the <br /> Legal Department. <br /> Councilmember LaFountain reiterated that he also has concerns for the safety of students <br /> walking in his district as well. He stated that Adams High School is in his district and he <br /> has observed students walking in the streets to get to school because the sidewalks were <br /> not shoveled. He noted that as a parent he is greatly concerned for their safety as well. <br /> He stated that this bill would provide a tool as well as clarification and make sure that <br /> there is a provision which would allow those people who cannot get their sidewalks <br /> cleared because of age or some sort of disability an exemption and make sure that that <br /> exemption would be clear. He stated that this bill addresses a serious problem; it <br /> enhances the previous ordinance and provides more clarification for enforcement. He <br /> advised that through good public awareness campaigns which focus on the public safety <br /> concerns and the need to remove snow from public sidewalks, that pedestrian safety will <br /> be enhanced. <br /> Councilmember Kirsits advised that as Chairperson of the Community Campus Advisory <br /> Coalition it was brought up at several meetings that there were some complaints that the <br /> student rental homes were not in compliance with the current ordinance of clearing <br /> sidewalks within 24 hours after a snowfall. Councilmember Kirsits noted that the <br /> ordinance is designed to assist in the safe passage of pedestrians when using sidewalks <br /> located with the City of South Bend so that snow and ice would be removed in a routine <br /> 4 <br />