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Filed in Clerk's Office <br /> I (r' <br /> p�spUTHBc�O �VV 08 2010 <br /> o KAREEMaH FOWLER <br /> CITY CLERK,SOUTH BEND,IN <br /> 186' PROPOSED RESOLUTION <br /> A RESOLUTION BY THE SOUTH BEND COMMON COUNCIL CALLING ON <br /> UNITED STATES PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP AND THE INDIANA <br /> CONGRESSIONAL/SENATORIAL DELEGATION WHO REPRESENT OUR AREA TO <br /> WORK WITH HONEYWELL TO STOP OFFSHORING JOBS AND ABANDONING <br /> COMMITMENTS MADE TO RETIREES <br /> Whereas, The Honorable United States President Donald Trump can direct <br /> Federal contractors to stop offshoring jobs and to fulfill their commitments to <br /> retirees; and <br /> Whereas, our United States Congressional/Senatorial Delegation who <br /> represent our area in Indiana are: The Honorable United States Congresswoman <br /> Jackie R. Walorski (IN - 2); The Honorable United States Senator Joseph S. <br /> Donnelly, Sr. (IN); and The Honorable United States Senator Todd C. Young <br /> (IN); and <br /> Whereas, Honeywell — a defense contractor that has received $3.4 billion in <br /> Federal contracts through the Trump Administration— is outsourcing work from <br /> its South Bend plant to Turkey, resulting in local workers being put out on the <br /> streets; and <br /> Whereas, Honeywell has abandoned its long-standing commitment to <br /> provide health care coverage to 4,700 retirees from this facility; and <br /> Whereas, all these assaults on our community come after Honeywell forced <br /> its workforce out on the streets in a 10-month lockout in 2016-17; and <br /> Whereas, this happens while Honeywell collected $1.7 billion in 2017 <br /> profit; and <br /> Whereas, Honeywell took advantage of the new tax laws to bring back $7 <br /> billion in offshore cash into the United States; and <br /> Whereas, Honeywell, while eliminating promised health care coverage to its <br /> retirees, spent nearly $950 million in the first quarter of 2018 for stock buybacks <br />