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Committee Chair White thanked Mr. Murphy for all his work and his commitment to the <br /> Administration, the City and to the citizens. <br /> Mr. Murphy continued, We probably have one (1) of the best finance departments in the State. It <br /> is a great team. <br /> Jen Hockenhull, City Controller of the City of South Bend with offices on the 12th floor of the <br /> County-City Building, stated, Thank you for giving us the opportunity to present to you all. We <br /> are bringing in a Director of Facilities Management for the Central Services budget, and Matt <br /> Chlebowski will talk more about that. We are a very different department from what you have <br /> seen so far. We have an outdated ERP system. We come to you as a giant group of <br /> administration and finance. We house Human Capital and Inclusion which includes Human <br /> Resources, Human Rights, and Diversity and Inclusion. When we get a new ERP system, these <br /> will all be separate divisions from the General Fund. However until we have a new ERP system, <br /> we are going to present as one (1) group. We now have Central Services in our budget for 2017. <br /> We reassessed purchasing and other internal service functions and after a lot of research it made <br /> sense to have a centralized purchasing division that we've never had in the past. We had about <br /> one hundred and fifty (15 0) buyers all within the City buying all sorts of stuff. It was all legal but <br /> it just wasn't efficient. <br /> Mr. Murphy stated, The Administration and Finance budget is projecting an increase for two (2) <br /> main reasons. One (1) fiscal officer moved from the Code Enforcement budget. The second is an <br /> addition of an Administrative Assistant for IT, HR and Admin and Finance. We have an <br /> increased number of people and we haven't increased the support staff in a long time. Last year <br /> we actually decreased the support staff by one (1) and a half people. Human Rights is broken <br /> into a General Fund component which is requesting a five percent(5%) increase. There is a <br /> separate grant-funded Department Fund#258. It receives HUD and EDOC money and that is a <br /> self-funded department. The County Option Income Tax is our COIT Fund and that is used for a <br /> lot of things. That revenue increased four point two seven percent(4.27%) We receive <br /> a notice from the State August 1 of every year of what it will be for the next year. Last year it <br /> increased ten percent(10%) and we didn't know about that until later in the budget. That helped <br /> but this increase is a good increase. We typically plan a two percent(2%) increase. That budget <br /> is balanced and there is actually a small surplus in that of a couple hundred dollars. The EDIT <br /> Fund has an increase of three point zero two percent (3.02%) in revenue. The EDIT Fund is used <br /> for transfers to other departments like Community Investment and Code Enforcement. The <br /> interesting thing about COIT and EDIT is that it is a County-wide tax. Any growth in South <br /> Bend helps the County out. Any kind of growth in Mishawaka,Notre Dame or Granger, it helps <br /> us out as well. <br /> He continued, Telephone costs of about$550,000 used to be paid out of the COIT Fund. <br /> Telephone expense is a general expense that nobody really wants to take. That has been moved <br /> over to the IT Budget so when you see the increases in all Department budgets for IT,that is one <br /> (1) of the reasons for the increase. COIT will help fund the start of the new ERP system. That is <br /> budgeted at about$600,000 but I don't really think we know at this point what it is going to be. <br /> We hope by next summer we will have a better understanding of that. Our Hall of Fame Debt <br /> 3 <br />