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�:ja � <br /> � � � <br /> JUIrY 1931 ( e on t'd) <br /> POLIC DEPARTP�fiTT <br /> Requi itions and bills approved and ordered p�id. • � <br /> Repor of Polieewoman, P:ss Eeans, approved and plaeed on file. <br /> ChieY uespert reported on the aetivities o� his department �or the <br /> past eek. <br /> The C erk read the follwoin� eharges whieh were filed in this <br /> Offic by Chie� Ruespert July 10, 1931: <br /> " T the Board o� Public Safety <br /> Gentlemen:- • <br /> I, herewith, prefer the Yollowing charges against Fatrolman <br /> C ster �iLnontt <br /> T t the said Patrolman Chester �'�ilmont has been guilty of <br /> neplect o� dity, bq having �ailed to make his reports Yrom <br /> va ious boxes at various times in the past month at the time <br /> specified� <br /> T t the said Patrolman Ch�ster ;'lilmont did not give any • <br /> re son for makin� late reports, <br /> Th t the said Patrolman Chester t'dilmont le�t his post without <br /> pe mission from any of his commanding o�Yicers, and <br /> Th t the said Patrolman Chester ;�ilmont did, on several <br /> oc asions, ride in a civilians automobile to make his reports. <br /> All of these eharges being a violation of the rules of this <br /> de artment. - <br /> Respect�ully submitted, <br /> �ohn B. Kuespert ( signed) <br /> �hief of Police. " <br /> Chie� uespert appeared to substantiate his e:�arges. Of�ieer ;�ilmont <br /> ,,. appear d in his own behalf. After hearing the evidence read by the <br /> Clerk, Chief Kuespert �vas questioned, by the Board, and he repeated <br /> his wr tten eharges. The Board asked Chester :"rilmont �th�t his <br /> ple�su e was as to a plea. Of'�icer Che ster LVilmont admi tted the <br /> charge and plead guilty. lhe Board then reviewed the charges and <br /> on mot on of I>ir. Gadacz, seconded by Tir. Long, the Board �roted <br /> unamim usly to fine Officer rlilmont ten da�rs pay and instructed the <br /> Clerk o date �ine �rom July 16th to 25th inclusive. On behal� of. <br /> the Bo rd , �ir. Budd severly reprimanded Officer :Tilmont. <br /> On rec mmendation of Chief Kuespert, the Board instrueted the Clerk <br /> to get in touch v��ith ��r. Geo. Hepler, o� the Board of County Comr�iss- <br /> ioners and arrange a meeting of the two Boards,as soon as possible, <br /> in reg rd to the Police Department making ambulancec�lls outside <br /> . the Ci y limits. <br /> DOG PO 1D �EPARTr�ENT <br /> Clerk, ti�m P. �ov�nes, make his report of this department �or the <br /> past w ek, stating that approximately 800 licenses had been issued <br /> to dat , anc3�., further stated that he had instructed Offieer Kemmerly <br /> .nd ?��r Foviler to start out on Thursday, July 16th, and impound <br /> every og that does not v¢ear a 1931 dog tag. He also stated that <br /> his of ice ha,d been open last week, and eontinuing this week, from <br /> 8 0' cl ck A�1I to 9 o T clock Pl!,�i to give delinquent dog owners time to <br />� obt�;in dog licenses. - <br /> On mot on o� ��r. Gadacz, seconded by ��ir. Lo�g', meeting a �ourned at <br /> 11 0' c ock A.���. � � <br /> PRE STD E <br /> r <br /> ATTEST � �-,f�.� � � • <br /> CI�ERK. <br />